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  1. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    The reds have some established lines of rose combs, but I don't know about the whites. My guess on the standard is that it is the same for both Red & White, just like it is for the different types of Plymouth Rocks. I have an open front coop and have not had any frost bite on the combs (BR) in...
  2. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    You never know what you might find, even at a swap meet. The key is to learn how to recognize standard bred birds so you will know and have confidence in what you see. Even breeders may not always have good stock. A lot of learning is available in the earlier pages of these threads. Good luck.
  3. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I have wondered how finely tuned a good line of birds are and this year I think I have my answer. I got 3 separate lines (BR) from the same breeder and because they were from the same breeder, I thought I could mix them up with out any significant variance in quality. That is no what happened...
  4. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    RIR is featured in the Breed Focus and there is a picture of a group of K's that really catches my eye. Good picture of some good looking birds. Can anyone tell what line they are or happen to know the origin of the picture?
  5. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    My favorite is blow drying a little chicks butt after removing a paste up.The image of that has always cracked me up.
  6. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    If they were frightened by something, that should subside over time. Maybe, there is one psychotic leader, that won't let it go and everyone else is reacting to that. I had a crazy K two years ago, that would spazz out and run around the yard for no reason and dash pell mell into the woods and...
  7. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Very helpful. thanks. One concern will be will they honor the 42" electric net fence. I already had an issue with my first breeding pen/pasture, at dusk the K flew back over to the flock that I had removed him from. That was all my fault though, I should have known to keep him in the coop for a...
  8. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    What is an acceptable age range in a large cockerel grow out pen. Or maybe it's just a minimum age required if there are older birds in the pen? I will hatch out with broodies within the main flock. The hatch will be late and drawn out, but I will separate some of the K's at least from the...
  9. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I have never had a diesease go through my flock, so I don't know what that is like, but on rare occassions a bird will suddenly die. I don't know how many birds you have, but 3 over the last few months doesn't seem that bad. Keep your eyes peeled and try to stay on top of what ever may be...
  10. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    My apologies for the miscue, still not use to the tablet. If you want layers and don't mind people aggressive cocks, then there is no reason not to get hatchery stock. My complaint came when I culled my first bunch of K's, what a pathetic carcass. So if you eat your birds and want a true DP...
  11. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    This has been my experience as well. I don't know much about poultry disease, because I don't have to. I remind myself of that every time I have to put in the labor to move the birds to fresh ground.
  12. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Oh yes, I'm a carnivore as well. My birds were bred for meat, so expectations are high that they will easily surpass the hatcheries birds that I have now. I know it won't be like a meat hybrid, but at least something respectable. I will posting results when the K's are culled, in about 2 more...
  13. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    We'll-I was hoping it would be "...that easy" , but I'm not surprised that it ain't. I'll need to learn my birds and determine when it is best to weigh/evaluate their progress. Thanks.
  14. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Great post. Just to summarize, within each batch that you mark, you number largest to smallest, so you can track growth rate from that point moving forward. Right? Wouldn't the largest at 12 weeks still be the largest at 9 months? Next year, I had planned to mark first to feather and then do a...
  15. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    For a heavy breed hen, 12 is a good #. But set them all at the same time so they hatch together.
  16. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Not asking a question just sharing a story and no I did not care for the Sandhill reds. On top of them not being standard bred they did not lay well either.
  17. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    As a pullet it might mean something. Reminds me, somewhat, of my situation last year, when I ordered RIR from Sandhill. They had the most distinctive stripping and head markngs of any RIR chicks that I had ever seen. I got all excited, thinking that I had something special, but it turned out to...
  18. Fentress

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I will be happy to post the pic's. Won't be till later in the year as a I start to prepare for my first year of breeding next spring. Is it my imagination or are more people getting interested in hatching with broody hens? I think it is great. I know, base on just one years experience, that...
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