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  1. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Matt look this is the trait from my first three males I started with 25 years ago. High Stepper. Standing on one leg. Like this male Jimmy. Legs dead center plum, flat top line thick brick shape oblong, Cant wait to see him in two months. bob
  2. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Hi Paul: Isn't it nice to see some of your birds that you shared showing up on these pages and are stunning to look at. I think I found the male you where talking about that Greg used that you where talking about. I will post him and then the male that is from him many years past. Keep...
  3. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    The male above is one that I used as a breeder the year I sent Greg Chamness his ten started chicks which was about 18 years ago. Its amazing how the color stayed with these birds which may be birds that Paul got in Colorado a from Greg about 6 years ago. Thanks for the pictures and look...
  4. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    There are no books or old Rhode Island Red Journals laying around to pluck. I was lucky to get my hands on the 1912 to 1944 issues from old breeders then got the Rhode Island Red Chronicles from 1944 to the present. I have gone to College Vet Libraries and read their issues on their shelf's...
  5. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    When I get request from Folks who want Homstead Reds I send them IDEAL hatchery. These birds a a cross of the two in my view. They can make a profit with eggs as they are good layers. They are of medium color so they got a touch of Standard Breed Blood in them. This is the way go to...
  6. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I have seen homesteaders go on these I want birds like Mr. Jones had back in1915 or 20. Our birds are so superior to what they had back then. As Conservations and breeders of old time flocks we want to breed toward what our for fathers have in the past forty years. I can see your concern you...
  7. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    That's very nice. Are you setting or collecting Rhode Island Red Eggs Liked I use to raise or the public wants to get started with? Its very hard for me to know who has chickens in a pen with one or two males when new people want the Real Rhode Island Reds. Also, there is a right time and wrong...
  8. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Got another reply a few hours ago. Wants hatching eggs has sitting hens no incubator. So when the broody hens go broody when ever that happens maybe March or April. Will find a nice breeder willing to ship say 12 to 18 eggs to this person. He does not ship chicks anymore. He has to drive 100...
  9. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Bob, I just wanted to let you know that a good breeder has indeed been able to fulfill our needs, and to thank you for your part in helping me to find him. The road to finding some good quality RIR’s has been a long one, but with the few that we have now, and the birds we will be getting from...
  10. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    He is dark, got good brick shape, good head points, does not like being in that pen and is sulking. I am sure if he was on the ground walking naturally he would be flat as a pancake with his upper brick shape or top line flat. If he came from the two males I think he came from he should be. So...
  11. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    let us know his family line or strain he comes from. You will enjoy them I am sure once you get more you will have a fine line for yourself.bob
  12. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    In a few months this fellow is going to be in his prime. Still needs time to get his finish in. So may post young ckls and so much can change in one to two months. Some are worried sick at five to six months of age. of their Reds its just to early to tell. When they get every feather in and...
  13. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Jimmy had to put the lid on the glue my blood pressure went up but it was a good rush. No Stokes or anything happened Going to send a name to you of a 4H dad who needs some reds for his daughter. Boy its hard to find large fowl Reds for every buddy. I am going to get my list of Rhode...
  14. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I GUESS THIS IS WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. THESE ARE RHODE ISALND REDS. CORRECT? Just got a email from a fellow in Ohio who wants to know if I have any hatching eggs to sell. Large fowl or bantam. I told hm most breeders are people who provide stock during this time of the year. We don't...
  15. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I feed my birds their regular feed, throw out some scraps, let them have plenty of room to pick bugs etc and if they don't have yellow legs, maybe I'll paint them. I have quite a few different lines of reds and a few different breeds for egg production and none of them have white legs. Some are...
  16. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Do you think the surface color of the Heritage Rhode Island Red and its quill color has a factor to the leg color of some strains of Rhode Island Reds? That is prettier the yellow in the legs the lighter the color of the females when they are hens and more yellow in the pigment of the legs...
  17. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I wish I could have ten dollars for people who worry about the yellow in the legs of their Rhode Island Reds. Do judges worry about that issue in picking their top choices? Is their more important issues to think about. Like width of back being even, head points, legs dead center, vigor...
  18. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    can you see the brick shape all ready in his frame. Also he has great beak color at this age. This is what makes these the real old fashion Rhode Island Reds. To bad people can not buy these at the feed stores.
  19. Robert Blosl

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Ramey So Carolina. What ever happen to them?
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