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  1. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I've never had a problem with any of my reds going broody, but I guess I haven't had them too long. But this is the second spring I haven't noticed them going broody. My ameraucana on the other hand always go broody. And they look awful when they come out of the box(which is rare).
  2. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Is broodiness even a trait that you would want to keep in your flock? Sure, it is easier and more effective to hatch eggs under your own birds, but it causes decreased laying and they go off feed and just sit in the box....not really part of my agenda if you ask me. I would just buy some other...
  3. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    If you are curious about the history of rhode island reds I would read this.
  4. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    The big cockerel in the bottom left pic is one I hatched from yours. One of Sonny's offspring.
  5. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    We are now at that stage where they are starting to actually look like
  6. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    'Heritage' is just a concept. It means the bird fits various qualities, such as reproduces naturally, long lifespan, slow growth, etc. Not necessarily that they are good quality birds that fit the standard. If you are asking for critiques, I can say they look nothing close to what a good red...
  7. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    One is already trying to unzip so he will hopefully hatch today.
  8. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Both of the eggs from Sonny have hatched....still waiting on the 3 ones from pen #3 @cmom
  9. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    From what I hear from shipped eggs 5/14 isn't too bad. When you see how some of these postal workers handle packages it starts to make sense....
  10. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    @cmom I candled the eggs and put them in lockdown. 2 from #1 Sonny and 3 from #3 made it out of the 14. I'm curious to see what hatches.
  11. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I just take them out because I heard they can spread bacteria to the viable ones.
  12. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Updates of the candling. 8/14 eggs were viable. One of them looked iffy but the shells are so thick it was hard to see so I kept it. 3 of them were #1 and the other 5 were #3. They are due to hatch in 13 days.
  13. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I will be sure to post the results of today's candling. My eggs are from family 1 and 3, 7 of each. Which fills both of my tiny 7 egg incubators. I have a feeling I will be needing more incubator space next year, lol. They are so expensive, but I love the Brinsea incubators. I am not to the...
  14. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I actually ordered some eggs from you this year. I wanted to last year but had no incubator, now I do. Last spring I got a nice female and then another really nice male and 2 awesome females last fall to breed, but I wanted to have some different families from the same line to work with so I...
  15. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    And how is their production? Are they as bad as some people say, or do they lay ok?
  16. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    For what it's worth, I have heard that Horstman RIR aren't the best laying lines out there.
  17. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Yes, well, even if there are not published scientific results regarding frontline use in poultry and egg consumption withdrawal periods, show people have been using frontline for years and have been able to establish some guidelines in use of frontline and determine what is safe.
  18. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    The breeder who told me about frontline said that it was fine to eat eggs after using frontline, and I trust him. He has been showing for years and using frontline after every show. I have always eaten the eggs too, sometimes laid a day afterwards.
  19. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I do a squirt underneath each wing where the skin is showing, you have to make sure it comes in contact with bare skin. Also, some people will spread the feathers on the back as well as just above the vent and do a squirt in those places too, still making sure it touches the bare skin. There is...
  20. waddles99

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Just something I thought I would add, I always use frontline after every show on my birds. I forgot to use it once and cooped in next to a guy with lice on his birds. Most shows don't do visual checks at check in, so someone could coop in with lice, mites, etc and you wouldn't even know it...
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