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  1. RoosterCogburn7


    BOHICA, here comes IKE part 2, otherwise known as Harvey.
  2. RoosterCogburn7


    I have found that having a 10 week old German Shepherd is like having a 10 month old baby again. You are constantly monitoring what they are putting in their mouth, and teaching them that certain things don't belong there. Ironically, except for accidents he is potty trained. It is funny to...
  3. RoosterCogburn7


    Oh, the land slopes fine. Some of the lower elevation coops, kept getting built up with gravel and sand, but with the torrents lately, it hasn't helped. Some places we took the precaution of putting up sand bags.
  4. RoosterCogburn7


    I built a brooder box that is big enough for my wife to lay down in. This has allowed me to use it as a grow out as well, so they are fairly large when introduced to the flock.
  5. RoosterCogburn7


    It is. My wife was helping measuring while I was planning, cutting, and barn siding was a pain to cut with a circular saw. It felt like my back was being ripped in half.
  6. RoosterCogburn7


    My understanding it is a blood test similar to P/T testing. The interesting thing about P/T is virtually eliminated as a disease. Things like cocci, Mereks, and predation are far more common. Honestly, I think they have it bassackwards, and they should be testing more A/I as that is what...
  7. RoosterCogburn7


    My NPIP is still good until next summer. The T/P test was done as normal by TAMU. We weren't even at home, and he did all the birds. He just taped the cleared results to the fence. I wanted A/I testing done by a Vet. But, the rural vet, said they knew how to do it, they just weren't...
  8. RoosterCogburn7


    The closest neighbor I have used to be a chicken farmer and a house builder for 30 plus years. He likes chickens, so it isn't an issue. I am not part of an HOA, but I suspect the HOA is irritated by the fact I can have chickens. I suspect, like I said before, when there was legislature that...
  9. RoosterCogburn7


    True. I was discussing that issue with the Texas Health Inspector that came around. He was of the opinions Vets can do AI testing, they just consider it a waste of their time. He and I both agreed since these vets are rural they would deal with cattle and larger livestock, but consider...
  10. RoosterCogburn7


    Transportation would be an issue. Not many people have the ability to bring their birds to a sorting center considering you have flocks of 40 plus sometimes. You do need T/P testing for an NPIP license. Again, I think it is a methodology to drive the small famer out of business and promote...
  11. RoosterCogburn7


    My Coronation Sussex don't have a problem with the heat. You just need to make sure, like all chickens, that they have access to water at all times.
  12. RoosterCogburn7


    I am in Livingston. I have been raising Coronation Sussex. I have a rather large flock including roosters, hens, and a group of pullets that are 3.5 months old.
  13. RoosterCogburn7


    I guess I picked a good time to thin the flocks. Ironically, to own a Turkey or a Duck you have to receive a permit from Texas Animal Control, but in September 1, 2017, I can strap a Samurai Sword to my back and walk into Walmart pretending I am 'Blade'. I had considered once I thin the flocks...
  14. RoosterCogburn7


    My thought is why not have a County Extension Office do it, because after all they deal with agriculture. But, I guess that is me attempting to make this thing logical. I received the same notice, and found it annoying. I don't know where they plan on putting their centralized centers, but it...
  15. RoosterCogburn7


    He was the Orange Taby that took off when he got chased for a petting. He is like a barn cat that has the best of both worlds. He heard me banging around this morning, he had gone into the garage for the night to chow down. As soon as he heard me, came the, 'Ouuuuut!' So, I let him out, and...
  16. RoosterCogburn7


    Thanks, and I am sorry to hear about 23 cats that don't understand a litter box. I can only imagine what a situation you might be in with ammonia toxicity.
  17. RoosterCogburn7


    I just tend to get along with animals, I guess. I was in First Grade at my Grandfather's ranch and tamed his most wild barn cat, that he didn't even want to get near. Our cat was a half dead road rescue. We brought him back to life, and he has been here ever since. He has the best of both...
  18. RoosterCogburn7


    Thanks, trying to reduce to a more manageable population for enjoyment and egg/meat consumption. I am no Spring Chicken anymore. I enjoy the birds, I just get frustrated that I can't do anything with them like I used to. Going to have a young inquisitive GSD pup by the end of the month who...
  19. RoosterCogburn7


    I am doing reverse chicken math: We have an adorable family of blue Americaunas for sale: One rooster, three hens (currently laying), and two young pullets (gender undetermined still). They lay the sky-blue eggs. We will sell them for the following prices: $15 for the rooster, $20 each for the...
  20. RoosterCogburn7


    The only thing I know about cow patties was from my Grandfather's Dairy Ranch. Going barefoot around a ranch and stepping in a fresh laid patty is an experience not soon forgotten. My happy place used to be the idea of going even more rural than I am now, an carry on the Ranching/Orchard...
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