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  1. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Had a few days of clean up after the storm the other day . The garden made it through the 80 mph winds but a few sassafras trees did not . Had enough ripe tomatoes to can 4 quarts of sauce , would have liked to have waited a few days for more but the tomatoes were to the point of use them or...
  2. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Its been crazy hot humid here again the past few days . Not much work done . Tomatoes are starting to turn in numbers now , won't be long and we'll have sauce canning . Here's one of the Super Sauce fell off the stem today . It will ripen up inside . Have a great evening all .
  3. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Todays picks from the garden . Didn't get much more done . I did top some of the tomato plants , they were going over 7' .
  4. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good morning all . Rain here this morn , we needed it . I did find 2 horn worms on one of the tomato plants yesterday . Once my boys saw how the chickens went after them they started looking for more . Those horn worms don't stand a chance now :lau Have a great day .
  5. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I get seed from Gurney's , Burpee , Urban Farmer , and in a pinch Amazon . I've had very good results from all , although there were some cancellations this year on the vendors part due to Covid .
  6. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good morning all . Its about 80* here now but humidity is lower than it has been . Here's this morns haul from the garden . Zucchini , yellow squash , cucumbers , and tomatoes . 2 Super Sauce with good size , and a fairly large Amish Paste with the ox heart shape . The kids and my wife have...
  7. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well , the boys want a snack so lets cut this Super Sauce tomato and see whats on the inside . Its very meaty , not a lot of seeds or water , the boys gobbled it up in no time , said it was great . They should make some good sauce and salsa .
  8. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good morning all . No deer in the garden last night thankfully . Picked a few zucchini and a yellow squash and cucumber this morn . Also picked the first ripe Super Sauce tomato , its not one of the bigger ones but a pretty good size . The kids will devour it later today . Yesterday we...
  9. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good morning all . Well , dang deer found the beans last night . Usually they don't bother the garden , there's so much growing at this time of year . I'm gonna have to figure something out to keep them out of there .
  10. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Here's some tomato pics of some of my Super Sauce plants and some of the Amish Paste plants . I'm soon gonna be overrun . Super Sauce , these tomatoes are huge , plants are loaded with them and have lots more blossoms . Amish Paste These plants like to grow tall , some are about 7'...
  11. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Picked a few cucumbers and a few yellow squash . Tomatoes are starting to turn , 2 orange now and lots of em going from tomato green to the white green when they start ripening . Beans are doing great . Sunrise was beautiful this morn , especially over the garden . Have a great day all .
  12. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Another humid day but at least it rained overnight so no watering today . Here's this morns pickings . The yellow squash grew together One of the Super Sauce tomatoes is starting to get some color and they are huge , this one changing color is probably 4" high and 3" across , and there are...
  13. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Its been so hot and humid the last few days I haven't done much . Picked a few cucumbers and yellow squash today , also 1 zucchini . I love squash and have some with dinner every night , just cut up and boiled with onions . The wife has been baking zucchini bread , and we still have a surplus ...
  14. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hot and humid here today , not nice . Mowed the lawn , it needed it then checked the garden . Picked a squash and cucumber to have with dinner . The beans are opening up Checked on the tomatoes , particularly the Amish Paste , they are getting some decent size to them and nice clusters of...
  15. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We had a break through this morning , or at least the beans did , they broke through to the light . :gig The boys and grandma and I dumped another 3 of the potato tubs and collected about another 20 lbs of taters . I've got em drying off now in the shed with a fan going on low just to...
  16. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thank You much . Yes , the leaves are yellowed and starting to die off . I did order the seed potatoes online in March but the Covid struck and they ended up being a no show/paypal refund . Luckily I found some at Tractor Supply and grabbed three 5 lbs bags . I didn't want giant bakers or reds...
  17. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good morning all . Just start raining here , won't have to run the irrigation today . I did get my tomatoes fed early this morn before the rain started . I also promised my middle grandson that we would get some taters today so we dumped one of the small fabric bags (15 gallon) that were planted...
  18. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Today was weeding the horseradish bed , crab grass and chickweed was starting to get a little too thick . Found a few of these chickie snacks , the girls loved them . Then I went to check on the green beans we planted Monday , looks like they are pushing through . And also picked the...
  19. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I really dislike using insecticides and much prefer an organic solution( unless there is no choice and it is safe) . I have never had a big problem with squash bugs but there are a few safer ways to try and deal with them . Soapy Water spray is a favorite , , I read of good results using this...
  20. adirondak5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Why thank you much , I've put a lot of time into it this year , it helps keep my sanity in these crazy times .
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