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  1. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    did nothing yesterday ,spent time running back and forward to the vets with my dog mollie .thank god for my ygd who can drive ,I cant .turns out mollies kidneys are failing ,she also has a heart murmer ,just a matter of time now , got special food for her ,I hate this part of having pets .
  2. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    rained again last night ,very cool this morning but sunny .got a lot done yesterday outside weeding ,pruning some shrubs so i can walk along the paths better. going to make a lge bucket of comfrey 'tea' for the garden ,will make it really strong then put into a water barrel and top up water so...
  3. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    got up this morning to find it rained overnight ,no grass cutting 2 compost piles going both need turning so think i might make a third one and put everything into one ,then i can start again .The potaoes are about 3ft high starting flowers ,i just hope they have a decent crop...
  4. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    got a fair bit of weeding done yesterday ,found one zucchini left out of eleven plants it,s growing well so we,ll see what i get .I hold onto something when doing anything i can,t kneel at all now .I watered last night as well guess what ,it rained ,which is good not had any for a while ,still...
  5. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    finally getting back in the garden properly ,had a bad fall on the concrete patio a few weeks ago cut my elbow and damaged my hands .took a while for the swelling to go down,then a couple of weeks ago i fell in the bath ,felt such a fool trying to get out .I am getting so clumsy it,s scary .now...
  6. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    can,t do anything outside last 2 days .storms so bad ,we needed the rain but not like this .I did go to the shed early yesterday morning to get some pots for indoor potting up ,only I tripped and fell ,hurt my knees ,hands and scraped a big chunk of my elbow and smashed some of the pots !when I...
  7. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    finally my potatoes are starting to show ,peas as well, planted some more peas so i hopefully have continuall cropping .put the zucchinni plants out a couple of days ago ,they were fine yesterday but the ones in the open bed don,t look to good this morning ,the others by the fence are looking...
  8. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    morning all, yesterday was beautiful so decided to clear bottom end of garden .dragged an old fridge up to near back door ,too mean to pay someone to remove it so took off the door and everything inside as best i could .cleared an area that had nothing planted and sunk the fridge into the ground...
  9. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    heavy frost today but the sun is shining with a lovely blue sky ,might get a bit done outside later on .meanwhile I,ll keep on clearing the house out.I,ve been hoarding to much so last week I decided to have a big clear out ,a lot went for recycling ,lots in the rubbish bins and even found...
  10. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    yesterday we had heavy hailstones ,snow and rain all in one day .bright and sunny today but onion sets are sprouting well ,think i can see some peas starting ,nothing else though ,loads of seeds sprouting in the house just wish i could get them outside.forecast cold for next few days so...
  11. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    morning, another lovely day here ,going to plant some more peas ,beans and beetroot .just ordered a shredder was going to wait a bit longer but the mess at the bottom of the garden is getting on my nerves,can,t get much done there until everything cleared.Got a lot of wood to saw up ,offered...
  12. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    good morning, wet out today but only drizzling quite mild so I think I,ll get out and do the tidying up jobs that need doing .I seem to have a list in my head of to do things and I can,t settle until the next one,s done .silly but it seem,s to work I,m getting through a lot of jobs .Next month I...
  13. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    got a lot done yesterday ,good job ,today is terrible the rain is getting heavier and the wind stronger as i,m sitting here really stormy .just texted my gd and said not going shopping ,just ordered my shopping on line ,think i,ll order the compost as well .It might be a bit more expensive but...
  14. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    beautiful day today going to make some more planters ,wash all the lge pots and do some weeding .The seeds in the house are really coming on but will wait a while before they go out ,we have more frost forecast. gd taking me shopping tomorrow so will pick up more compost .I want to put up some...
  15. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    weather was great yesterday so i got potatoes ,peas ,onions all planted .also made a planter from spare wood think i,ll put carrots in there today .the white radish seeds I planted in pots on window sill in kitchen are up a good inch already ,also cooked a pork joint in the slow cooker so i,m...
  16. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    morning everyone , if it stays dry i,m going to plant potatoes today and onions if my back holds out .Got every veg bed prepared ,canes in for the beans just got to decide where to put the peas .my ygd brought me another bag of compost bless her .sorted the scrap wood to make some planters with...
  17. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    thanks for info on what to plant with beans ,think i,ll try some beetroot with them .It,s been a few years since i did a veg garden, really getting excited hoping i get a good harvest ,i really got sick of buying veg last 12 mnths especially! potted up some courgettes ,purple broccoli. also...
  18. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I usually plant bean seeds straight into garden but it,s so wet here just now thought i,d try something different.I,ll just try it with a few and plant the rest of the seeds later .no reason why they should,nt take if the roots are strong enough .got some of the compost spread on one bed going...
  19. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    morning, got some more bags of compost yesterday but weather to rough to spread on veg beds ,using peat free so see how that goes .made about 50 paper pots for seeds last night while watching tele ,hope i,ve made enough but i doubt it.going to start leeks,carrots ,radishes,spring onions ,beans...
  20. A

    What did you do in the garden today?

    rain and wind today very frustrating ,going to start sweet potatoes today never done them before .also make some paper pots so i can transfer plants straight into garden without much disturbance.just realised i have no leeks in my seed collection must get some sat when i go to town ,i love...
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