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  1. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I’ll come back and update if we’re able to plant it this year, gotta do research on when it must be planted and stuff. But for sure in Georgia we can plant pretty much anything, just gotta do it in the right season. The JGs are still little chickies. I got a variety of colors. So 4 splash, 4...
  2. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thank you for that advice. I was thinking of buying online but I’ll try local farmers first. I’m just seeing lots of bare fields in GA lately.
  3. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Been MIA on this thread. I have a question. Where do you buy your seeds? And do they have oats, barley and wheat? Looking to be proactive and learn to make my own chicken feed if the need arises but mostly to start gardening and being a little more self sufficient. Thanks!
  4. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I didn’t know bees could make their own queen if theirs died. That’s good info to know for when I decide to bee keep. my apple seedlings are still alive. They still look like they’re growing their roots and not the visible parts (Leaves & stems). Pear seedlings are still growing and are...
  5. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Will be trying out the four bin set up then. Thanks! That will be one of our projects these next two weeks. I already have two full 5 gal buckets and I really need to toss them into a large pile so it’s easier to turn instead of keeping them in the buckets.
  6. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hmm maybe I’ll place it behind the cow barn. Thanks for that idea! Their barn already smells of cow 🤣 so compost smell won’t make much of a difference.
  7. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Where do you all place your compost bins/piles? I barely started composting last year and did it in 5 gal buckets (only did 2) and that worked out, but this year I want to make a larger pile but can’t decide where to place it permanently. Going to try to do the three slot compost pile with...
  8. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    The wafer things in that banana pudding looked like eggs at first glance. I was like: well that’s it for decorating purposes? Then I saw the ones on the other side and it clicked that they were vanilla crackers
  9. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My husband decided to start all his seeds in small starter pot things. The squash is already coming out. I hope we do well with transplanting them. I think we will need to put a fence around the garden once we let the chickens free range again this spring.
  10. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Out of my 8 to 12 Pear seedlings only 3 are alive and well. Not sure what went wrong, maybe overcrowding since it looked like the three that made it were strong and green while all others were limp and withering. So maybe those three were taking all the nutrients, who knows. Here’s a pic of one...
  11. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thanks! That’s awesome news. I was just scared their roots would get tangled and broken off if I tried separating them, but I have a bit more hope and confidence to leave em be for a little while longer. Let me go measure them to see how much longer I have.
  12. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yes, it takes 3 years but it will continue to produce forever I think so it wouldn’t hurt to start now. I need to get started on mine but may just try next year because I’m swamped with tons of things to do this year.
  13. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yes, something I ate for both. It’s more of an experiment. When I feel I have a green thumb I’ll look into planting apple trees from a nursery. I just don’t want to spend money on one and have it die due to my negligence. I’m still not an expert on plants and haven’t been very successful in...
  14. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Have been having a busy two weeks now. Just checking in with my apple seedlings (red container) and pear seedlings (white container). Had 15 healthy chicks out of 21 hatch so I’m busy with that. The 16th hatched one is not looking good, if it’s a rooster my husband said we may put him down...
  15. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Initially I thought owning chickens would be cheaper than buying my own eggs from the grocery store. Then as time went on I realized that is no where near the case. But now I love my chickens even if they’re more expensive than great value grocery store eggs 🤣 the quality and knowledge of...
  16. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Sorry to hear that. It is sad when people rather support big corporations that don’t care about quality and probably import stuff and extort third world country children to make their products, instead of buying quality home grown/made things from small business owners. Maybe then they’d be...
  17. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I tried planting asparagus last year but did pretty horrible since I didn’t care for it as I should have. They didn’t get past the seedling stage. But when they do grow they look like tiny baby asparagus! But it takes like 3 years to produce from seed. I wish I would have taken care of it. I...
  18. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Oh gotcha good to know so like different flu strains. On a separate note, my apple seeds and pear seeds are growing like weeds! Here is a pear seed
  19. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Not sure if this is the same thing, but my Lysol spray says it kills it or at least prevents it 😆
  20. hysop

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Oh okay phew! I thought if they didn’t pollinate they would die. Okay, that makes me feel better. Less things I gotta worry about at least for this set of random apple seeds
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