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  1. animals1981

    Livestock guardian dogs

    zaz how big was the snake ur dog ate? It looked so big. Was it an indigo?
  2. animals1981

    Livestock guardian dogs

    GP wont stop wolves u will need a much more aggressive more forward LGD for wolves. caucasian ovcharka, asian overchakas, cao, kangals. I know plenty of GP that have worked in pairs and even in packs of 3 that have been killed and mutilated by wolves north of me. My own dog who is just a...
  3. animals1981

    Livestock guardian dogs

    also i think the worst predator are stray dogs when you free range ur chickens they will cause hell on them which is why very serious LGD will do the trick. Stray dogs can gang up on a lama but havent heard of them ganging up on a standard donkey yet. With stray dogs I find that if your dog...
  4. animals1981

    Livestock guardian dogs

    if you leave other breeds like a husky allone with stock 24/7 there is a good chance they will get bored and just kill your animals eventually. That is the problem with a lot of breeds they will get bored and just start slaughtering your animals OR they just don't bothered doing anything at all...
  5. animals1981

    Livestock guardian dogs

    the thing is the more forward and serious the dog is the coyotes or coywolves pick up on that. Its a mentality thing. They know what dogs are dead serious and want to fight and attack for real and what dogs are just in it for a bluff or a chase. Remember coyotes are smarter than dogs. So When a...
  6. animals1981

    Livestock guardian dogs

    but why go with something that has become much softer? There are other breeds like maremma, anatolian shepherds and kuvasz that are not overkill but still sharper. For poultry and small animals i agree you dont need something serious but still from personal experience with great pyr and from...
  7. animals1981

    Livestock guardian dogs

    this is just for simple predators like bears, bobcats, foxes, fishers, coyotes, hawks, stray dogs I think 1 good dog is enough if its a really good dog from good bloodlines but if you have pumas and wolves u will need a pack to deter them if they are serious Because this will happen with...
  8. animals1981

    Livestock guardian dogs

    I find great pry not fierce enough, anything that has been used as show dog or being bred as pets i just wont use. I prefer dogs that nothing but working dogs in their backround. With a good dog I expect to not lose 1 hen or anything. Also they should be able to dispatch predators without...
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