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  1. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Looks like they are gonna potentially release a plan to reopen sections of the state for business by next week. There's is gonna be a sale this weekend. Maybe I'll find my brahma roo. With the broody hens, a couple losses, and an injury, not getting many turkey eggs. Found some palm hens...
  2. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Happy birthday 4 broody hens. Gonna give first broody til next sat. Then gonna kick her off nest. only babies are from the incubator.
  3. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Happy easter
  4. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    The weather here is the last few and next few days are gonna be nuts. Was almost 94 couple days ago. Now they are calling for severe storms. Lots of thunder and lightning right now. Followed by a cold front that's is gonna drop temps down into the 20s with wind chills in the teens. Had cherry...
  5. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    First turkeys eggs I set of the year have hatched. Set 8 hatched 5. 3 palms and 2 narris.
  6. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    No snow here. But calling for 31 low on friday night. So took advantage of the warm cycle and no rain. Got garden tilled, onions, green beans, and sweet corn planted. If it stays dry enough on mon/tues next week will put out brussel sprouts and green peppers. Moved first eggs (quail) to the...
  7. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Finally got a beautiful day. No wind at all. Of course it always seems to be on a night I have to work. But I took advantage. Had an old 4 x 8 pen that a limb fell across and destroyed the tarp roof. Cant seem to find a replacement for a reasonable cost. So I repurposed it and made a...
  8. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Yes still having sales. At least this weekend. But sale was held outside and the 6 foot distance was held too. When hoofed animals started only allowed 10 people inside barn and were well spaced. Wind is still blowing today. But dried up enough got some garden tilled, weed cloth placed, and...
  9. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    It was a beautiful day after the rain this morning. Hit almost 73. Only thing bad was winds at 30 plus mph. First time in years decided to start seeds indoors. Had cucumbers and tomatoes sprouted. Set them out to get some sun of course there was no wind then. Went to a sale. And while I...
  10. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    I finally have at least one hen laying in each pen. Some pens more than 1. I got 7 eggs today. Best so far. But most sales/swaps are cancelled so I may hatch 1 more batch of turkeys then shut it down for awhile. Want to try and raise 25 up to adults.
  11. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Weather is nuts. Rainy almost 72 today. But calling for a low in the 30s with strong winds tonight. High of 40 lows in the 20s tomorrow. Ready for it to dry up and warm up so I can get some gardening started. Calling for the mo river to get high. Told some farmers to get equipment off the...
  12. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Met @FredsGobblers this morning. Purchased 4 narri hens and a penciled tom. Really good looking birds. Got 3 turkey eggs yesterday. So maybe the slackers will take the hint and pick up laying. But they mostly eat and lounge. Have 8 turkey eggs in the incubator for the Easter Hal. Gonna set...
  13. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Not holding off on hatching just fired up. Have not heard of any cancelled swaps/sales yet. Hope there wont be any looking forward to a large swap the first weekend in April
  14. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    No tp that I've found around at stores last couple days. Groceries are still in good supply. Lots of rain and mud. Creek behind house is bank full hoping it stays in. Lots of levees have not been fixed from last years flood so may be a bear again. Between yesterday and today had 2 of my...
  15. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Merry Christmas Hope all enjoy the holiday season and gave a wonderful new year
  16. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Still around havent been on much. Lot of changing trading and covering shifts at work.. now back on nights for about four months. Trying to get adjusted. Sleep most days away. Lol Main hwy. Finally opened yesterday and got 2 inches of rain last night. Saved 21 poults back to raise up. Not...
  17. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    One if the cross hens I saved back. I know she has some chocolate x ?? Any guesses
  18. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Got home from work checked incubator as should have some chicken eggs about to hatch. Moved 6 of 7 to hatcher. Had a tray with turkey eggs one was about zipped out. Saw 5 more pips. Out of the 5 that were pipped 3 were glazed over and dead. Way too much moisture I guess. Moved other 2 to...
  19. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    A lot of grey showing. Narri x palm or opposite cross. Can't remember all your birds. Is that a possible cross
  20. feedman77

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    The weather us hot and humid here in 90s. Most main routes are still flooded out. But water us still going down. Got back in my house monday night. The recliner and I had a 5 hour nap/reunion. The rain that is coming in from ts barry please keep to the south or east of Mo. Would like to dry...
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