breathing difficulty

  1. C

    Respiratory issue in new chickens

    I recently purchased 5 ISA Browns from a nearby farm intending to integrate them into my existing flock of 18 birds, but after handling them, I’ve noticed a respiratory issue. One of the five hens has a crackling sound when breathing (rales?) and occasional mucus from her beak but otherwise...
  2. L

    Sick Brahma

    Our boy whom we only recently got has been “sick” for the past 5 days…only three short days after bringing him home. I’m scared he’s not going to make it and I need him to 🥺 He started sounding like a snoring man on the third day with our girls (he is a 9 months-1year old Roo). My husband and I...
  3. J

    Chicken: Labored Breathing

    Our girl has started raspy breathing earlier today. She typically lays eggs, she just started this about 4 hours ago. Everything I have come across on this site, and google, I haven't seen something that lines up. Are there any suggestions or a site that you'd suggest checking out. Thank you...
  4. ECrow

    Is my hen having breathing difficulties from old age or is she sick?

    I have a Buff Orpington hen who will be ten years old this spring and I'm beginning to grow concerned about her health. She is still fairly agile - she'll come for foods, follow me around, occasionally bully the younger hens - but some days it sounds like she has breathing issues. I can hear her...
  5. N

    How to Fix Respitory distress

    Hello, We purchased a chicken off of craigslist to add to our flock. The buff we got was said to be a yearling. As a week went by she was having a rattle sound while breathing. It got worse and she would gasp for air after sitting in the nesting box. We noticed that her right nare (nostril) was...
  6. A

    Sick duck!

    I got three ducklings from tsc early last month. They have been in my bathtub because my coop build had to be delayed. About three days ago I noticed one was a little raspy, assuming it was just a voice change I let them in the current duck run for the day. Last night she broke a blood feather...
  7. Maryam.

    Ducks are good at hiding symptoms..

    Hey, As many of you already know Daisy is my almost 3 y.o rouen and a female. She started laying since she was 6months old, she would lay a big egg everyday for 2years! Although she was so small and this made her weaker.. until a few months ago one day I found her sitting in a dark place alone...
  8. B

    Sick duckling with breathing/respiratory issues!

    I recently bought two mallard ducklings. I’ve had two before and wanted to add these two to my flock. These ducklings are a week old. A couple days ago one of the ducklings started opening and closing/breathing through its mouth constantly and hasn’t stopped since. One minute it’ll breathe hard...
  9. L

    big problem for small rooster

    Tiny weighs 460grams, we got him with the rest of the flock at the end of March 2019. He is my smallest bird at the moment most of my others are Plymouth barred rocks with a few little bantams. Tiny is gaping the classic stick the beak up and gasp for air. He started this on Sunday. It wasn't a...
  10. ChickenTenderKesha

    Not sure what to label this, rooster help?

    I’ve been talking with my vet regarding Ori here and his issue with breathing. They are doing the same thing I’m doing here with this post, asking advice from people more knowledgeable than they are. I’ve included the same photos I have sent to the vet, with a few additional from last night...
  11. Waqar4

    Hen isn't well for two days. Need help.

    Hi, We have a four years old Hen (either Orpington or Rhode Island). She became broody a year back and hasn't laid eggs since. But has been in perfect health, eats well, poops big and runs around. But since last two days we have noticed that she's become lethargic, is making painful sounds (low...
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