brewer's yeast

  1. M

    Niacin Deficiency in Baby Geese

    Hey everyone, I ordered two baby geese, and they arrived today (less than 48 hours delivery) and one of them has bowed legs and curved feet-there was a great post on the duck forum about niacin deficiency that pictured the same foot curving. I called the hatchery before I found that and they had...
  2. Hball

    Niacin Supplement for Duckling Feed

    I just purchased ducklings I would say are maybe 2 days old. The feed I am giving them did not display the amount of niacin so I emailed them and they said t has 75 ppm. Do I need to add more niacin (brewers yeast) to the feed? The feed is nature serve duckling starter/grower feed. Also I...
  3. C

    Can I use this?

    Sooo I go through some brewers yeast. I have a hard time finding it locally in anything bigger than a jar and the traditional web sites don’t sell it bigger than a 5 pound bag. Has anyone ever heard of these brands? Or have any suggestions and where to buy it in bulk? I’m posting pictures below...
  4. K

    Saxony Duckling Feet

    I have 4 different breeds of duckling. I’ve noticed the largest, our saxony, seems to have one of her feet more pigeon toed than the other girls(they’re all females). I feed them Mazuri Waterfowl Starter and add Thomas Labs Brewer’s Yeast w/Garlic to their feed. Should I be doing something...
  5. 10PekinDucks

    2 questions Niacin & Brewer’s Yeast

    Hi. I’m new here. We are new homesteaders in North MISSISSIPPI and started out with 10 Pekin ducks, now all about 5 weeks old and quadrupled in size from when we got them. Looks like we have 2 drakes and the rest hens(?). I have a 2-part question about Niacin and brewer’s yeast. Question 1: I’m...
  6. ShyanneW

    Brewer’s/Nutritional Yeast Suggestions?

    What does everyone use for brewers yeast/nutritional yeast for ducklings? I’m new to this, so I’m unsure of which brands are best and things like that. My babes are currently eating Purina Flock Raiser Crumble, and are getting liquid vitamin B in their water, but their legs haven’t fully...
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