change in behaviour

  1. L

    Egg production stopped

    Our OG layers were born last August (7 of them), so they are now just over a year old. Two months ago we picked up a turkey and a silkie. They integrated well into the flock. We picked up more layers at a swap a month ago (7 new-to-us hens, within laying age). In addition, we picked up...
  2. L

    Sudden and rather concerning behaviour change in rooster

    Hello, I don’t have much experiences this is my first year having chicken and I could use some help, I want to learn and provide best life possible for my flock. My flock is one rooster and six hens. My 2 and half years old rooster changed in behaviour quite suddenly. At first I thought it is...
  3. Chickenheaven93

    My silkies stopped laying since November

    I have 13 silkys and one roo. They are all adults afew years old. They have stopped laying since November. I'm in Australia so it is summer here now. But we're I live the weather is always crazy. It will go from 35 degrees one day, and 10 degrees the next with cold nights. My hens were...
  4. C

    older hen behaving strangely

    Hi One of my "older" (2+ years, but Hy-line) hens is behaving strangely. She avoids the other chickens in the flock and they started pecking on her. She hides but seems fine otherwise. This is new. She used to be a part of the flock even though she hasnt been laying eggs for several months. I...
  5. kemnerg

    Hens bullying another hen

    We have had our hens for 2.5 years. They all seem to get along pretty well, they will occasionally pick on our Bard Cochin while she is brooding, but within the last 2 weeks, the other hens have been picking on her a lot. The bard cochin is now staying in the roost most of the day since the...
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