chicken coop design

  1. comish83

    All-Weather Millennium Feathernet Alternative For 50 Birds

    I plan on scaling up my operation later this year to 50 layers. I like the Millennium Feathernet that Polyface has, but I want something where I can keep the birds in a Northern Virginia winter as well. I plan on rotating 50 layers every week through one of 18 different 100' x 50' pasture...
  2. She_Wanted_Chicks

    Affordable and Reliable Coop Foundation

    Brand new to BYC!! I’ve scoured the forum and found a few articles related to foundation choices, but the reality is each person’s opinion is different and they bring knowledge to the table. Besides, some of the posts were from 3-4 years ago. We’re about 2-4 weeks out from our flock being coop...
  3. Pandora

    How would you improve interior of this coop?

    I just got this coop and have a small window of opportunity before I move any chickens into it, to make adjustments. I wanted to get feedback on how I can improve the interior for practicality, ease of cleaning, and best use of space. I’m in northern IL and expect to have 6-8 chickens, about 1/2...
  4. D

    Has anyone used silvertech siding for their coop?

    I am considering this for siding of the coop. Wondering if anyone had built a coop with the material? My concern is that the chickens may peck at the radiant barrier (inside) coating of the siding, which may not be healthy for the chickens. We live in north Texas where temps can exceed 100...
  5. D

    Our chicken coop/run construction progress

    We started with laying the foundation by manually excavating and leveling the paving stones and the floor sill during the hot temps in north Texas of 100+ degrees. The area is 6' x 16' to support up to 10 chickens. We started coop framing soon after. Coop area is 6' x 4'. Framing the coop...
  6. PithyPixel

    Nicely Designed Coop / Tractor Combo

  7. E

    Inherited coop and run in need of repair

    So we've just bought a new house in Minneapolis, and the previous owners kept poultry. I've been toying with the idea of keeping a few chickens for a couple of years now, and the itch to play with it and see if I like having them around won't go away, so... chickens. (Mostly, I want to watch...
  8. DarthWombat

    Chicken noob hoping for feedback on my coop design.

    I've been a long time lurker here on BYC and the time is finally right to start my own small flock. I'm planning on 5 or 6 chickens to start. I've done a lot of looking around the site, as well as evaluating commercially available coops, and I think I've put together a design that will have the...
  9. Greystone farm

    Dream chicken coop—let’s design one together!

    Hey everybody! My family has recently bought a new house. It’s got a pond for our ducks and lots of space for our chickens to forage in, but unfortunately, our current chicken coop isn’t mobile, and we have to buy or build a new one when we move. However, there is a 12 x 14 foot shed on the...
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