
  1. MooseLovesTwigs

    Unknown vent area related internal injury (pictures are unpleasant/graphic)

    Type of bird: Serama chicken (with silkied feathers), very small around 12oz weight, 1+ year old. Behavior: Picking with beak at vent area and beak has occasionally been bloody. Otherwise she's been pretty normal until today she seemed just a tiny bit more lethargic than average but still...
  2. J

    Elderly Hen: disease or age?

    I have a 9 year old (10 in spring) Barred rock hen named Willow. She's had her ups and downs with health but overall been a long lived, happy backyard bird. Yesterday she began losing her balance & losing feathers. It seems to be that her right leg is weaker then the left, not balance issues...
  3. veetown707

    Very bloody egg with lump inside

    Hi chicken folks My Easter egger laid her first egg of the season and it was extremely bloody inside. The whole white was dark red and there was a large gooey red lump in it as shown in the image. The egg itself was oddly shaped, oblong, and had a streak of different color on the shell. I've...
  4. Gearhead846

    HELP. ive got bloody poop... WiTH WORMS in it!

    Hi I went in to my chickens coop this morning and I looked on The floor and I saw this. It looks like worms in a pile of bloody poo there was more but I must've stepped on it. Can anyone tell me what this means and how to treat it
  5. chrissysue

    Chicken's head is swollen. Injury/disease?

    Hey All, About 10 days ago Peep's head appeared to be bleeding and I assume that she had been pecked at. We washed the wound and put a large glob of antibiotic ointment on it. I gave the wound a week and it appeared it wasn't healing so we have been spraying Vetericyn on it once daily for three...
  6. 5

    PLEASE HELP…..Feather Loss = Disease!?!

    Hi! In Fall 2020, one of my hens molted early, in November/December 2020 two of other my hens began to molt, one of the two had a hard molt. When winter ended, my hen that hard molted fully grew her feathers back, but my other hen didn’t. Two more of my hens have this odd feather loss that...
  7. E

    Chicken found dead ... causes?

    I have a chicken who has been laying eggs & acting normal. She has been losing feathers & I would catch her eating them. Thought maybe it was a lack of protein. Began supplementing with eggs, mealworms, & tuna. Found her dead in the coop this afternoon. All other chickens are fine. No mites or...
  8. 5

    Bald Spots for Months......Help!

    Hello! Before I dive into this, I just wanted to say that I know that I have already posted about this problem, but I didn't receive any effective help....Therefore, I am hoping that more people will see this, and offer any advice! Thanks so much in advance!! In September 2020 one of my hens...
  9. Self sufficient chickens

    Old hen with green poop

    Hello, I have a two-year-old black sex-link. Yesterday she started making greenish diarrhea and being hunched over. Here are some pictures: Any ideas? All of my older hens are in a slow attempt at molting and we just eliminated most of the rooster population a few weeks ago. Thanks! EOR...
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