#duckeggs #duck #eggs #hatching #help

  1. Kitkat1992

    Duck Egg Hatching Help ASAP

    I'm not sure of the exact due date for this egg. I thought I logged it, but went to go check. Unfortunately, I did not. I've taken a few pictures while candling. Need to know...Is the little thing on the right track? Pipping or not pipping? Assistance needed? Any suggestions/advice please 🙏...
  2. Kitkat1992

    Duck Egg Hatching Help ASAP

    I'm not sure of the exact due date for this egg. I thought I logged it, but went to go check. Unfortunately, I did not. I've taken a few pictures while candling. Need to know...Is the little thing on the right track? Pipping or not pipping? Assistance needed? Any suggestions/advice please 🙏...
  3. E

    help with hatching duck umbilical cord or yolk sac

    Hi im very new to duck hatching. my ducks were pipping maybe 2 days ago and one hasnt made any progress so ive done loads of research unsure on what to do and ive made the decision to help it hatch as i had a gut feeling something was wrong. the duck is alive and moving and chirping but i think...
  4. nmarmion


    so i have a scattered batch of eggs and i just put them into lockdown mode yesterday! i picked like 3-4 that were highly developed and are close in age range but i just found out that duck eggs don't hatch until day 28 and i put them in on day 18 is that ok??! i'm worried someone please let me know
  5. H

    Need help with duck eggs

  6. S

    Black Spot Inside Duck Eggs?

    Hello! This is my first time incubating and (hopefully) hatching ducklings. We are currently on day 17 of 28 and today there appears to be some dark black spots/areas inside a few of the eggs. I apologize for the picture quality but does anyone know if this looks normal? There is still movement...
  7. M

    I blew it. Now what?

    I have an incubator full of welsh harlequin duck eggs. It’s day 24. This is only my second time incubating. First time was with muscovys and it was a disaster. Decided to try again and I tried really hard to just not worry too much. I’ve kept the temperature at 99.5 and humidity around 60%. I...
  8. C

    Help! Day 28 and no piping

    We are incubating 14 duck eggs; Welsh Harlequin, Fawn White Runner and 3 of our own. We bought the WH and the FWR from a hatchery so we really need the eggs to hatch. It is Day 28 (starting from the day we put them in). Humidity and temp was monitored through incubation. Humidity is at 80% while...
  9. FalconGirl17

    Advice for abandoned duck eggs?

    Hi, we welcomed 2 ducklings in the last 3 days, but our duck has stopped sitting on her 3 remaining duck eggs. She pushed them out of the nest this afternoon and we found them cold to touch, so has been off the eggs for a while. We candled the aggs, but could not see any movement :-( Is it...
  10. K

    Ducks eggs that are slow to develop

    Has anyone ever had duck eggs that look under developed? I’m on day 24 of incubating and I’ve got 6 eggs that look like they should as far as development goes. But I’ve got two eggs that look more like they are a few days behind in incubation and event their air sacs are smaller. Has anyone ever...
  11. K


    Hello! I’ve been getting advice from BYC for a long time now and I’m excited to finally start posting news of my own! I like to hatch ducks rather than chickens and I’ve found the members here to be so incredibly helpful!!
  12. N

    Duck Eggs, please help

    Hi, A mother mascocy duck had a nest in my backyard but something ate her so I have been taking care of the eggs. I have read so many articles and have been trying to do everything right. I have a make shift incubator with a temperature around 99 with humidity. There’s a bad smell and I don’t...
  13. Selene uwu

    Confusion on Duck egg misting

    I received 27 Peking duck eggs earlier today and while doing some research about misting I keep running into some contradicting information. I have a forced air fan incubator that I manually turn 4/5 times in a 24 day cycle, I was planning on beginning the misting process April 16 (after 6 days...
  14. A

    Duck Eggs

    A week ago I noticed I had a duck nest in my backyard next to my pool. The mom was doing good and I thought it was so cool. A few days later I went outside and there were egg yolks all over. The mom was gone and out of 10 eggs 6 were remaining. I was guessing the best got attacked. Now I have 6...
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