
  1. Bigbluefrog

    Is it just me or are these chicks big for 2 weeks?

    My Barred Rocks are 2 and a half weeks old. And boy are they growing fast! I been using a heating plate and an addition heat source keeping the area around 80 degrees in the shed. I am surprised how fast they are feathering out! Anyone else notice how fast they grow?! This is my 3 set of...
  2. T

    Ideas for preventing chickens from flying out

    My dad, son and me built a new coop for our new chickens and we are going to put their exercise yard together this weekend. We are using dog run panels with chicken fence on the outside of each panel to prevent them from sneaking out and predators from getting in. With a 6 inch skirt to keep the...
  3. IvysAnimals

    Swedish Duckling Question

    Helloooo! Years ago I had someone come to my house and ask me if I could take 3 ducklings because they saw that they were standing on the side of the road with the possible mother that was hit by a car right next to them. I took them and we had bought other ducks like Pekins, Magpies, Rouen...
  4. Alex the Chicken

    Flying Birdies - Ends in 2 weeks

    I'm probably not experienced enough to post this so I deeply apologize if I broke any rules making this. What's this about? Well basically just take a photo of one of your birds flying. It can be a chicken, duck, peafowl, pheasant, ̶B̶o̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶7̶3̶7̶, or just anything that can fly. My old...
  5. Oldegarlicshnapp

    How much can I clip wings?

    I was given a rooster who is very scared of me. Rounding him up into the pen is next to impossible, so he flies onto dangerous places. There’s history of snakes and definite cats in the area. I’ve properly clipped his wings, but he’s still getting to those high places. Afterwards, I did some...
  6. Gerby26

    Clipping wings? Muscovy

    Hello I have a 11-12 week old female Muscovy who has started flying 5-10 ish feet at a time and 1-5 feet off the ground, I read you have to wait till ducks are 15 weeks to clip wings, but would I be able to clip hers now, she seems to be almost ready to fly! I don't want her to make it into my...
  7. Ozarkhomesteader

    How to keep turkey's in the yard???

    Hey yall! So I am the proud owner of a lovely trio of Narragansett Turkey's. They are about a year old. I live on about an acre of land in the middle of a neighborhood in the middle of a giant city. There is about half an acre fenced off for my poultry to run around on, and I have 11 chickens...
  8. FathertoFeathers

    Will my Muscovy Ducks fly away?

    I just got some Muscovy Ducks. I know that they're able to fly but I don't know how well they're able to. Can they fly long distances like wild ducks do or do they fly few inches or feet off the ground. I ask because I don't want them to fly away and there is a small pond in the woods behind my...
  9. Rondack

    My Toulouse goose flew 20 ft.!

    My Toulouse goose flew about 20 ft. about two feet over the ground!
  10. qwackers

    Mandarins and domestic ducks

    Hi all. I haven't been on this lovely site for a while as I sadly had to rehome my gorgeous ducks a few years back due to relocation issues. But now however the ducks are back! Whoopie! Im picking up some runners soon but my o/h has decided he wants his own ducks and has decided on a pair of...
  11. L

    Should i teach my duck how to fly?

    I have a drake around 8 months old and i've been discussing with my family whether or not i should teach him how to fly so...Should i teach him???
  12. m1chelle1

    Attention Aussies! Emus and Flying (airlines)

    Hello! I have a pretty random question for you all, so I plan on traveling to Australia for a visit at some point, and I was curious if there are any flight or international flight regulations with flying with fertile Emu eggs or even small Emu chicks? Is it allowed? I've been researching...
  13. TheCakeIsAWolf

    Hatching Eggs With Altitude Change

    I'm trying to get ahold of peacock hatching eggs, but I know they fare poorly in shipping so I'm looking to pick them up from a state that borders mine, which would be a pretty long drive. A family member of mine is a private plane pilot and would be willing to bus me out to pick up the eggs...
  14. henaynei

    Flying chickens

    Hi y’all I have several Brown Leghorns. I know, I know…they are strong fliers. I just didn’t know How strong! I’ve clipped the flight feathers on Both wings and they STILL fly over my 50 inch fencing. About the only thing I can figure is to clip their primaries also. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
  15. SilberHenne

    My Wandering Wyandottes

    Any tips on keeping my pullets from hopping the fence and visiting the neighbor's yard? I like to have them free ranging on my property, but lately a couple have gotten brave and I don't want anyone thinking a free dinner walked into their yard. I have a privacy fence, so they are flying 6 ft up...
  16. Lauryn229

    Flying Easter Egger Chicks!

    My 10 week old Easter Eggers are so inseparable they will fly over anything to be together ! Here is a cute short video of one flying over the pool and landing in our hand. Usually she lands on our head Video link: They love each other so much! Millie & Greta
  17. AshleyNicole06

    Flying Ducks...

    Okay.. so my ducks fly little distances for fun.. and they also fly far distances lol almost over trees and power lines... and over to the field across the gravel road..(but only on windy days) I’m not exactly sure if the wind takes them and they fly that high and far or what?! Do you think...
  18. Ducktown

    Non-flying ducks and their desire to fly

    Here's the thing, I have 3 Indian runner ducks which are not supposed to fly - at all. During their 7 months or so, they had shown extreme desire to fly and on several occasions, I have noticed they can lift off and fly 3 meters above ground, possibly higher. Longest distance so far was today...
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