gosling help

  1. ElGoose

    Gosling with very concerning symptoms URGENT

    It was really hard to talk about it but one of the two goslings that Polly had hatched passed away shortly after my post asking about his leg issues, I assumed that it was a tendon problem and was going to try take a video, but found him in the shed later passed away 😢 I cried for ages and ages...
  2. ElGoose

    Gosling not walking again :^( what do I do

    This is the same gosling who couldn’t walk last time - I saw in the cameras that a magpie tried to get him and assumed he was in shock but it’s happened again today! Is it possibly a slipped tendon? I’ve seen that’s quite common in goslings apparently but I’m not sure how to treat it :^(
  3. O

    Gosling wont eat and gasping for air!

    we had a batch of goslings and had incubator problems when transitioning to lockdown we had 1 early pip and it hatched healthy, however another gosling has hatched a week later we assisted it in hatching as it was enveloped but now its gasping and has a raspy voice it wont drink or eat and we're...
  4. S

    Gosling struggling! Please help!

    Our gosling was found on its back soaking wet and struggling with its legs by the edge of the pond. We are based in the United Kingdom. We dried her off been force feeding her and making sure she gets lots of water. She must be around 4 weeks old maybe older. She can’t walk at all she...
  5. ElGoose

    Gosling temperature help

    So our 2 week old goslings have a small issue and I’m not sure what it is! one of our goslings is always trying to cuddle up to the other for warmth, and the other is always stretching it’s legs out and panting like she’s way too hot! Do they need different temperatures or does the other have a...
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