reproductive disease

  1. Reproductive Health in Chickens

    Reproductive Health in Chickens

    Reproductive Health in Chickens Hello and welcome to my article about reproductive health in chickens. In this article I will detail common reproductive diseases, provide preventative strategies, explain how to perform checks and monitoring for reproductive health, and discuss what treatments...
  2. KyloChicken

    How old do your hens REALLY get?

    How old do your hens really get? I have a mixed group of chickens (roosters, hens, and young ones) free roaming. At night they are locked into the coop and as soon as the sun is about to come up the automatic doors open and they are off. The reason I’m asking: I get VERY attached to every...
  3. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Fairy Egg & Other Quirks: Should I be Concerned?

    I recently posted about my RIR Willow, who is ~ 4.5 years old. Last week, she started a habit of plucking my molting hen's blood feathers on her vent, so I had to keep her in a separation pen (still in the main run--big enough for a dust bath area, food, water, and a perch). Around that time I...
  4. S

    Dying Chicken

    Hi I’ve had chickens for a few years now, started with 4. One died at one year old due to sudden death syndrome. One died around 7 months ago due to being egg bound. Now, pebble, is sick. She hasn’t layed for around a year and the vet says she has some sort of mass or tumor and will likely need...
  5. ArizonaChick9

    Marek’s Disease or Reproductive Cancer? | backyard Necropsy Photos | graphic

    I have suspected that my flock had Marek’s Disease for a few months, and I suspect who introduced it. One of my girls shows signs of ocular Marek’s, but we noticed a year after we got her, so our whole flock has been exposed. Fast forward to today: we have an Easter egged with ascites (water...
  6. E

    Open mouth breathing - flu? Video *update* - vet dx airsacculitis/pneumonia can we treat with antibiotics?

    My 2 year old faverolle suddenly started having respiratory issues today. She seemed fine in the morning, and then had a sudden cough/hacking attack followed by gurgling breathing. It was so startling I picked her up and rushed her to some water because I thought she might be choking, which she...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Hen Off Feed With Swollen Crop and Small Greenish Poops

    My 2.5 y/o Barred Rock didn't come out of the coop this morning, which was a red flag. Upon coaxing her out, I found her crop to be soft and swollen, and noticed her poops were a slimy yellowish-green. Here's some more info: History: she had recently started slowing down laying this summer, and...
  8. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Possible Reproductive Disease and WEIRD Eggs

    Sadly, my 2.5 y/o RIR (hybrid variety) seems to be dealing with reproductive issues. Over the last couple months, I've noticed her slowing down here and there, and also her eggs becoming a bit more fragile and wonky looking--i.e. excess calcium deposits, loss of pigment, weirdly elongated...
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