single chick

  1. Lars Peter

    One lonely hen left. And she might be sick :(

    Hi again, We have lost Tove, our 6 year old French Copper Maran. Now, only 5 years old Tonny is left: (Me and Tonny in the garden) Now, it might be hypokonder, since we just had to deal with a very sick Tove, but sometimes the tip of her comb turns sliiightly purple, and it also seems slightly...
  2. T

    One out of 2 eggs hatched so far what should I do?

    Hello, I started out incubating 6 silkie eggs but only 2 developed at all. Now only one has hatched and the other hasn’t shown any signs of hatching. My local feed store has some buff orphington chicks but they will probably sell out very soon. Should I go ahead and buy some more chicks or wait...
  3. RejectedSingleChick

    Rejected Single Chick

    Hi all, first time poster so let me know if there is anything extra I need to add. I have been keeping bantam chickens for a few years now but have only recently started hatching eggs. My first clutch last year was hatched by a broody hen and I had no issues, she was a perfect mum who...
  4. kreidepriinnz

    One chicken left..

    2 out of my previously 3 chickens got attacked by something and didnt make it.. my remaining chicken came back sometime yesterday morning and i can tell she's not her best. I checked her over for injuries and she seems okay, shes moving fine and didnt act hurt when i picked her up to take her...
  5. ECrow

    How do I entertain a single chick?

    One of my hens hatched an egg and I took the chick to raise because my coop is not set up for little ones, but I can’t be around the chick all the time and I’d like to try to find some ways to help entertain her while I’m away. I’d get her some siblings if I could, but finding a couple two day...
  6. W

    Only one egg hatched

    We had five eggs and only one out of the three of them has hatched alive. We still have two more eggs to go, but they aren’t looking very promising. She is seeming quite restless and is pecking around and we think that she is lonely. Any advice? She is still in the incubator. Should we move her...
  7. D

    Single Hatched Chick...Put with Momma & Siblings?

    We had a single chick hatch today after momma hen got off her nest 3 days ago with the 5 chicks she hatched. We took the remaining eggs and put them in the preheated incubator. I thought I’d give it through today to make sure nothing else was viable. One chick hatched today, but so far nothing...
  8. H

    Single Chick Hatch

    Tips for raising a single chick? Only one of three eggs hatched and survived so now the chick is by itself. What's worse is my broody hen has rejected the chick. I can't imagine why, but she is not keeping it so I will have to raise it myself. I understand that raising a single chick is no...
  9. R3M1X

    Oh no a single chick! Advice needed~~~

    Out of six eggs only two hatched. I dont know what happened since I try not to open the incubator until they are hatched. One egg looked as though the chick zipped it open when it stretched, but nothing since then. No movement or chirping has been detected from that egg, even when I first...
  10. Nmr96

    Broody Hen to hatch an egg

    So I just recently had one of my hens raised from this past spring go broody. I decided that I wanted her to incubate one of the eggs that another hen laid. She has been on it for about 14 days now. I have 2 concerns, one being that she is low in the pecking order and gets bullied out of her...
  11. crazybirdperson42

    Raising a single chick

    Basically, I put 9 eggs in the incubator, 5 were fertile, 2 hatched and 1 died a few days later. Now I have one little girl left and she's in the incubator temporarily (long story short that's the only way she can stay warm enough until she can go in a proper brooder). I read some other threads...
  12. AnotherMeOhMy

    Spoiled chicken

    Hello all! Just curious, when raising a single chick, is it possible to spoil them?
  13. hennythpalcrow1

    FOUND an orphaned Chick! Help!

    My daughter found a tiny orphaned baby chick on her school grounds (definitely chicken or turkey although I wouldn't know how to ID it for sure). Of course we brought it home. We have it in a broader under a heat lamp with a stuffed animal to keep it "company" and plan to introduce it...
  14. K

    can i put a quail chick in with regular chick?

    I ended up with one chick hatching out of 12... she's two days old now and lonely. i have searched everywhere for a friend for her and the only thing i've found are three day old quail chicks. does anyone know if i can mis them? I'm thinking why not! but not sure.
  15. temppora

    Attachment Issues?

    Hello there!! I recently got my first ever chick, and she is about 6 weeks old.. She is the only chicken that I have and most likely will have right now.. I have noticed that whenever I put her back in single coop, she starts to sound distressed, and tries to hop out and follow me.. She paces...
  16. W

    Broody with single chick, seems to be ignoring it, advice needed!

    Hi, here's my situation. I have three young hybrids (bought in June as POL, started laying within a week). They live in an Omlet cube in a 5x2metre walk in run with some free-ranging in our garden (we're in Scotland btw). One went broody in July and stayed that way while we were away for a week...
  17. K

    Only One Guinea Hen Hatched!!

    I ordered 14 pastel guinea hen eggs on ebay, that was probably the cause of my "issue" I use issue lightly because there's nothing wrong with the single guinea keet that hatched. Actually she's the prettiest chick i've ever seen. Pudding Pops is her name and she's about 3 and a half months old...
  18. Maddyluvschickens

    Can I Raise One Chick?

    Hello, I have 2 hens and was going to order one Buff Orpington chick. But I don't know if you can raise one baby chick by itself. I don't really want more than 3 chickens, so I need help! If I can raise one chick, then I want to know how to introduce it to the hens, and I know I can't just put...
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