summer hacks

  1. Keeping your Flock COOL with Healthy FRUIT Popsicle BLOCKS

    Keeping your Flock COOL with Healthy FRUIT Popsicle BLOCKS

    Chickens, ducks and turkeys are wonderful, resilient and sweet creatures, but on a 36°C (96.8°F) day sometimes I worry a little bit since I know that the heat is harder on them than the cold 🥶. But when I give them an ice 🧊 popsicle block filled with greens, fruits, crushed eggshells, peas...
  2. Nicho

    New chicks from Meyer Hatchery 😊

    Shipped to CT successfully. Heating pack was still warm. Each pullet healthy, alert and content! One Frizzle Easter Egger, one Green Queen banty, and one Exchequer Leghorn. I’m sure you guys know who’s who! They will be joining my black Australorp/blue Orpington/Dominique crew! Trying...
  3. kristeninprogress

    Tips to Make Summer Care Easier?

    I'm currently in the process of getting a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, and I'm starting to have another flare up after a month of relatively easy living. I live in Southeast Georgia (heat index of 100°+ and very high humidity), and I'm constantly getting overheated, which is what I think...
  4. C

    The Battle of the Flies

    Hey Friends, Less than 1 year into chickens, the first full southern-summer with my gals, and the battle of the flies is on. I have 4 gals, a relatively large coop filled with wood chips, and a 10' x 8' run with sand within the city limits (#urbanfarming). The flies are a little intense in the...
  5. O

    Keeping cool in the summer

    I'm in california and we have officially hit 100° weather. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks to keep my babies refreshed and cool for the already dreaded summer. All ideas are appreciated. Thanks :)
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