
  1. joya250

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    hello, About a month ago a very tiny baby duckling appeared where I work. Apparently had been wandering around with no mother to be seen for a few days. I have two geese, so I took it home and provided it the proper care. My plan was (and is) to let him go, as I cannot maintain a duck in...
  2. Missyschix13

    Feeding Chickens when only one hen laying

    Hi all! New here to both the forum and chickens! My girls are getting closer to laying (12 weeks) and I'm starting to plan their change to layer feed (at around 18 weeks). My question is, having different breeds, they are going to start laying at different times. If one of my girls starts...
  3. M

    Duck and hen both changed their sex

    I’ve had my hen for 4 years and my duck for 3. I hatched the duck myself. The Hen I bought from a feed store. So yes I know the odds. I could have had a roo. The thing is both of these girls have laid eggs....I’ve seen it.... Also my female duck sat on eggs. In 2021 I noticed my hen changing...
  4. Amanda1503

    5 month old chickens how to transition outside

    Hello! I have six 5 month old chickens that have never been outside due to problems with coop construction. The coop is almost ready and it’s time to move them outside. Any advice on transitioning young adult chickens to the outside in winter? Thank you
  5. Lucy_Dobinson

    Moving Pullet From Growers to Layer Feed

    Hey all! I have a bit a of a dilemma.. I currently have a 22 week old Silkie pullet in my chick/grower area with two 11 week old Araucana chicks all eating grower pellets, they get along well. I then have my main flock of 8 older girls on layer pellets. In the last week my Silkie has been...
  6. Birdie mom

    Moving away from my chicks 😢. Preparation???

    We are moving away from NC, and heading up to PA. Unfortunately, we have to leave our chickens behind 😢. However, our friends will be renting our house, and they are planning on combining their and our flocks. We have about 18 hens and 4 roosters (I should probably cut down our rooster...
  7. SophiaLinn

    teaching them how to use new waterer

    So I just moved my six 1/2 week old chicks into their coop which has one of those bucket waterers with the chicken nipples on it. They’re still getting used to the coop and they haven’t gone near their food or the water yet. It’s a new waterer for them. I tried poking the nipples to show them...
  8. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Transitioning Convalesced Chicken Outside During Winter

    A couple months back we had to being our BO pullet into our basement infirmary coop due to unspecified illness. Through treatment (Corid, amoxicillin, special diet) we were able to bring her back and she even started laying beautiful eggs (that we sadly couldn't eat re: antibiotics)...
  9. K

    My injured chick imprinted on me

    I took on an injured baby chick at 2 days old. I wasn’t sure if she (I don’t actually know yet if it’s a pullet or cockerel) would thrive because because she couldn’t walk. I nursed her carefully and while the one leg is deformed she can now walk. I won’t get into the whole process because my...
  10. MommasLilPeckers

    Switching Chick feed brands. Gradually or not?

    Hi all, I and switching chick starter crumbles brands. Old and new are non medicated. Do I have to do a gradual transition or can I just swap? Thanks
  11. LizzzyJo

    Moving chickens to new property - advise needed

    Hello All! Next week, I will be moving my chickens to my friend's property so that she can chicken sit for one month. I have 3 that are 1 year old and 5 that are 4 months old. We have set up her coop and run - she had an inherited coop, no chickens. What can I do to make their transition...
  12. B

    Sick chicken/info on how to transition back to cold weather

    Hi all. New to chickens this year and LOVE this website. I have a chicken who has been having diarrhea. Pale comb and wattle, weight loss, ruffled up appearance etc. Ordered some Corid/amprolium(local store was out of corid and wormer) and getting some wormer(going to try safe-guard) to try to...
  13. BamburghFarms

    Integrating 2 flocks from two separate farms w/ most being of laying age...

    As I stated in our introduction to the group, we are brand new newbies at this chicken raising thing!! Lol So, we need some help with flock integration!! We have two flocks that we are wanting to integrate into one extra large coop. Currently our “main” flock of 5 hens, which consists of 1 Black...
  14. orangesplash

    What’s the best time to transition from brooder

    my chicks are now one month old and I want to take them out to the coop-it’s Like a small airy room 3 feet by 5 feet and the height is 5 feet. Can I take them off the brooder now? I have been taking them out to the open in a cage since it’s been a really nice warm weather so they are used to...
  15. cluckkatie

    Garage Transition?

    I'm thinking that once my chicks are four weeks, I'll take them out of the brooder and move them into the garage. It gets down to thirty degrees in there. Will it be too much of a drastic temp drop for them? Or do you think I should keep the lamp on in the garage and then eventually taper off? I...
  16. lurae

    Transition of chicks into flock

    I have somewhat of a dilemma. Currently I have three layers that are free range. I shut the coop up at night but during the day there is no run/fencing at all. My new chicks (2 roosters and 6 hens as far as I can tell), are in a large bathtub at the moment, are 2-3 weeks old. Another week or...
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