yellow diarrhea

  1. Kel80537

    Sick Chick PLEASE HELP!

    Hey ya’ll. I need some help, please! I have a 5-6 week old RIR that is acting like she’s sick. This morning when I went to the brooder she just layed there and barely opened her eyes. Normally, she’s the first one to greet me and jump on my arm. She did rouse, but she remained puffed out and...
  2. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    Does anyone recognize this? It’s that a worm or just part of the poop? I’m thinking she is/has developed EYP based on symptoms from another chicken I have. Salpingitis? Worm or just black poop? Would greatly appreciate any thoughts!
  3. T

    Egg bound, vent gleet, or??

    Advice appreciated! My chicken seemed fine then suddenly I noticed today her crop and under her vent were bulging. Either I didn’t notice anything sooner or it came on suddenly. It looks like her feathers are missing or just spread out a bit from the bulging, she has green/yellow diarrhea and...
  4. ashtonvirginia

    Lethargic, Yellow Diarrhea, Pale

    My poor Meredith is a 17 wk Olive egger. She was fine last night and this morning, but this afternoon she has gotten SUPER pale. She is lethargic and slower moving than normal, but not completely inactive. She is eating and drinking some but not as much as normal. Her poop is yellow and...
  5. B

    Lethargic hen, yellow diarrhea, minimal movement.

    Hello everyone. Posting here hoping that the wealth of everyone's information can help us out. We have a 13 month old Barred Rock who is quite under the weather. I've done exhaustive Googling/forum reading/etc and am only more confused by the results. Many symptoms are general signs of...
  6. Silling

    Bubbly poop?

    Hi. I know, another "is this poop normal?" thread. I've tried to find an answer myself, but I just can't decide. It would give me some peace of mind to hear others thoughts on the matter. The poop pictured here is from one of my 1 year old cochin crosses. Her name is Michelle. She free-ranges...
  7. kalibali04

    Soft Crop w/yellow liquid poop

    Hi - I have a 6 week old Americauna chick who I noticed was lethargic earlier this afternoon. I noticed her poops (picture attached) were liquid, yellow diarrhea. I let her be, and then checked again after awhile and noticed her crop was very large and soft (like a water balloon). I have taken...
  8. PoultryMadUK

    Help! Turkey pale and lethargic

    Hi guys, I'm new to backyard chickens so I hope anyone can help me out! I have 3 Norfolk black Turkey poult, approx 2 months old. I've noticed over the last week that they have been sneezing, with some yellow discharge coming out of their noses. However, yesterday when I went to see them, one...
  9. Mariakoltsa

    Sick Chicken. Watery bright yellow poo, closed eyes, not moving, jerking head

    she was fine one day and the next morning opened up the coop and she didnt come out to eat, came back from work she was still there while other chickens were out. She has been getting worse every hour. She sits still or lays down with eyes closed not moving at all, puts her head on the aide...
  10. ChickenMama308

    Impacted crop on a severely underweight hen - how to treat?

    Hi everyone! My sweet hen Nani (2 years old rhode island red hen) has been through a lot these past few weeks, and where we're at now, is an impacted crop. She's eating very little, but still managing to eat a bit of spinach. Overall low / sleepy energy and staying in one place mostly...
  11. Hua

    Help! Very tired hen without an appetite

    Hi! One of our year old chickens is sick and I’m not sure what’s going on. I noticed her acting sluggish yesterday. Today she isn’t drinking and her crop is empty. I moved her to her own pin within the coop and gave her some treats. She ate a little, but still won’t drink. She mainly stands with...
  12. MothaClucker0403

    Monday Morning Poo - HELP!!!

    Nothing like a case of the Monday morning shits.... Anyone know what this might be? I know there are a plethora of issues that can lead to the yellow poo, I'm not sure about her tucking her neck in, though. She's still up and a bout but she definitely isn't strutting her stuff like she usually is
  13. kmb383

    Distended belly, not egg bound - please help!

    Daisy is a 2 year old Polish. She has been symptom-free until today. Yesterday, she was free-ranging normally and went to bed on the roost with her sisters + their roo. This morning, I let them out of the coop and, as always, everyone came running, including Daisy. I didn't notice anything...
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