12 chicks- coccidiosis and wet poop


Mar 29, 2022
The chicks were in the biggest tote we had which was super tiny for them. They are 2.5 weeks old now. I started noticing the poop on the puppy pad was surrounded by big wet spots. Then there were 2 little poops with blood in them. Same morning we gave them Corid water (2tsp in a gallon) and today is day two. They are in a much larger brooder now. Is there anything else that we can do to help them be healthy? I feel awful
The one time I dealt with Cocci, this drench for the sickest really helped.
They're a bit young to have it with no exposure to soil ? Things you can do: don't use tubs, they hold moisture, they're really not the best brooder beyond a week IMO. Think DRY. Dry environment is not preferred by Cocci. Glad you started Corid if they truly do have it.
Mine never touch the ground and they get it every year. I dont even messure the corid anymore I eye ball it lol
How were they acting? Were some standing around all fluffed up and looking miserable? Or were they running around as normal. If they were running around they are not in bad shape. It may not even be Coccidiosis, but continue the Corid in case it is.

What were you feeding them? Some "treats" might cause runny stools. Did you feed them anything red? I had some chicks eat cooked beet skins when I was canning beets. The next morning you'd have thought they were pooping pure blood from the color.

You've done what you can. Keep that larger brooder dry and continue to monitor them. Go ahead and beat yourself up. Feel horrible. Get it out of your system and get over it. It's a learning curve and you reacted appropriately.

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