3 week old bantam chick large lump, crooked neck


Mar 29, 2024
Hi guys,

Been a long time lurker, finally signed up.

I have a bantam chick that's about 3 weeks old, other day I noticed it's neck was a bit crooked and have been adding vitamins to its water to supplement in case of wry neck.

However about 3 days ago, the neck doesn't seem like it's improved much, and there is a large, hard lump, it feels like bone.

Any thoughts and advice would be great! I've attached a photo, the lump is on the left side of the chick, so i don't think it's the crop.

She seems active, is eating and drinking, also walks fine. Also, the chick has been vaccinated for mareks.

It's in a brooder box along with 15 other chicks.


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Can you show a few more pictures of the chick from the front and sides? If it has wry neck, it may look like a boney prominence from the position of the neck. But it may be something pertinent. Have you started some B complex and Vitamin E 400 IU daily?
Here you go. Just gave her a 180mg (400iu) vitamin E this morning. I was giving her water with rooster booster which has 160iu, but I've learned that may not be enough.

I just purchased some super vitamin b complex which I am giving her now.

Photo attached


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That is a rather normal appearance with wry neck/torticolis. Let us know how the chick is doing and if the vitamins help. I really hope they do.
Thanks so much. Will do, she is one I got from tractor supply, not hatched from our eggs. First time I've dealt with wey neck, and lump had me concerned.

I understand vitamin E is fat soluble, so overdosing is possible. Any signs or symptoms I should look for, just in case?
Thanks so much. Will do, she is one I got from tractor supply, not hatched from our eggs. First time I've dealt with wey neck, and lump had me concerned.

I understand vitamin E is fat soluble, so overdosing is possible. Any signs or symptoms I should look for, just in case?
I would only treat with the high dose of E for 2 weeks. And I forgot to mention that a little scrambled egg bits can be offered for selenium daily.
Thanks for the advice! I'll post an update in a few days, hopefully with good news
Hey guys,

Quick update, no improvements yet. I've been giving her B super complex, 400IU of E, and feeding her scrambled eggs. No change in condition.

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