Best weed killer?


Mar 11, 2023
I tried using RoundUp to kill weeds and the bottle says in 3 hours it works, but it took more than a week for the chemical to actually kill the weeds. What is the best weed killer available?
If I accidentally spray the weed killer liquid onto a plant that I want to keep, will the entire plant die or only the part that got sprayed on? Does weed killer cause a chain reaction to kill the entire plant, or only what is sprayed on?
If I accidentally spray the weed killer liquid onto a plant that I want to keep, will the entire plant die or only the part that got sprayed on? Does weed killer cause a chain reaction to kill the entire plant, or only what is sprayed on?
Call the manufacturer of the weed killer.
I had a similar experience with RoundUp. Sometimes, results can vary based on weather and weed type. For quicker results, try glyphosate-based alternatives. Always follow instructions and consider factors like weather conditions for optimal effectiveness.
Weed killers work in a number of different ways. "Herbicides can act by inhibiting cell division, photosynthesis or amino acid production or by mimicking natural plant growth hormones, causing deformities."

If you spray part of a plant you didn't want to kill with a broad spectrum herbicide, it might take out the whole plant. I was able to kill an aspen and all it's roots by drilling holes around the trunk and applying Glyphosate at the proper time of year to follow sap flow.

Glyphosate normally takes a few weeks to kill a plant by inhibiting production of amino acids. Sometimes dessicants are added to destroy the top quickly and the product is marketed as fast acting. It may take longer in cold weather when the plant isn't actively growing.

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