Blue Runner Ducks


🙄🤚 Sass Master
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Feb 19, 2019
Klondike, Texas
Who knew Runner ducks could be so complicated? Indian Runner vs. Runner, Blue vs. Cumberland Blue, etc. A friend of mine got ten little Blue Runner ducklings and they are coming to live at my house. Are they technically Cumberland Blue? Is that the technical color and in the US we have to make everything different from the UK so we just call them Blue instead? (Don't get me started on breed/species standards between the US and Europe as a Am I correct that the blue gene in ducks is similar to the blue gene in chickens. A mating of Blue x Blue should result in 25% Black, 50% Blue, and 25% Silver (which is like Splash in chickens)? It has been well over fifteen years since I've had Runners. Anything special I need to remember about them? I have some young Chocolate Muscovy currently. I know Mallard derivative and Muscovies can hybridize. Has anyone ever had an issue with a large breed like the Muscovy attempting to breed with something small like the Runners? Or vice versa? If so I'll pen them separately once they are old enough to breed. They are supposed to be a month old now, so I'm sure they are in the horribly awkward stage on top of being half crazy. lol Once they settle I'll try to get a few pictures.
Thank you for the link. So the blue gene works in ducks in the same manner it does in turkeys and chickens. I feel like Pyxis did a great job explaining the genetics. I'd have to re-read it a lot in order to retain all of it, but I do understand the blue gene. :)

We've rescheduled for this weekend, so they should be getting here tomorrow. I'm going to have to figure out how to get heat on them I think. It's gotten very cold today.
Well it seems there was a heat lamp malfunction towards the end of last week and I will not be getting any Blue Runners. Of course I needed them like I need a hole in my head, but now after doing a bunch of reading I wanted them. Isn't that always how it goes? lol
Yeah, I may order some. There is a hatchery carrying Silver-laced Orpingtons and I might order some in the spring to see what the quality is like.
Yes, they are gorgeous! I have a breeding pen of Silver-laced, a pen with Blue, Black, Splash, and Mauve, a pen of Chocolates, a pen of Recessive White, and a pair of Lavender Silver-laced. I'm working on a Blue Silver-laced and my first F1 pullet has started laying so I need to get her in with the Silver-laced male to produce the F2 cross. Her sister isn't old enough for breeding, so I may hold off but I'm not the most patient. lol

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