Feeding Hens with different diets


Apr 14, 2020
Armenia, SC
I'm sure I'm over thinking, but trying to figure this one out. I have a hen with gout, which I understand she will need to eat a lower protein diet the rest of her life. I want her to have a normal chicken life for as long as possible. I want her to be with her flock, which are all still laying with no issues.

Can I feed the flock their layer pellets n the morning for a short amount of time and then bring her out to the run/coop with them after she eats? I'd pick up their feeder then.

What about a night when the layers store up food for the night. Give them 30 minutes to eat and take away the food? Do they need more time than that to eat. Will the layers get enough to eat without food all day?
I’ve never heard of a chicken with gout. Not to say she doesn’t have that but how was that diagnosis made? Are you sure it isn’t an infection? Bumblefoot? Low protein diets really don’t work for chickens. They need the protein to build feathers each year at molt and other chicken health. A sickly chicken doesn’t do well and oftentimes will be harassed by others. I’ve done several feed trials over the years and low protein diets just didn’t stand up.
It could be a mycloplasma synovia infection, but she is the only one and has been fine until difficulty walking last week. She lays around alot and trouble walking otherwise fine. The diagnosis of gout was made here on BYC. No vets. She will have trouble integrating back into the flock, but I was hopeful that could be overcome.

I have been giving 6-grain scratch with 8.25% protein. If she doesn't lay again, that's not a big deal. Maybe cut the layer feed with the scratch? Or its just a try and see game here?
What? Who gave you this advice?
Give her a regular diet. NOT scratch. Layer doesn't have enough protein. Get some Flock Raiser or Grower 20%. More protein does a lot of good for chickens.

If she has non-feed medical issues you are asking for advice on, please check how long someone has been a member here before you take their word for it. It's not foolproof, but a good guide. Try posting her symptoms over in the Emergencies and Diseases subforum.
What? Who gave you this advice?
Give her a regular diet. NOT scratch. Layer doesn't have enough protein. Get some Flock Raiser or Grower 20%. More protein does a lot of good for chickens.

If she has non-feed medical issues you are asking for advice on, please check how long someone has been a member here before you take their word for it. It's not foolproof, but a good guide. Try posting her symptoms over in the Emergencies and Diseases subforum.
I did a search for the thread, here it is. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/ankle-injury-or-sprain.1567931/
in an article provided by @Eggcessive there was a recommendation to feed grain, at least for a few days.
@Krazikatlady64 I would keep researching a bit more, to make sure what diet would be best.
If you do want to feed her a separate diet, you will need to separate her at every meal.
I did feed grains for 3 days and she improved greatly. I'm not sure how to feed her going forward, hence I am on the feed group. I am back to the layer feed 16%, but if her issue is protein I'm not sure about her continuing on it as her daily ration, or if there is a xdays cut back, x days regular feed schedule.

Thank you for the information about separating her at mealtime and all of the information provided. This is why I love BYC.

I'll continue the research and getting her back into her flock. I am going to try the cherry extract, so perhaps that will help her.
Maybe whatever protein is in the feed you use (ours is soybean and flax meal) can be fed separately and you can see if maybe the layers only eat it? That is the idea with layers eating oyster shell, because the chicks will ignore it. Maybe her body would be confused though.

I am not sure how much time you have for hassle, but you could feed her in an enclosure of wood and chicken wire with a door, then let her out when she and everyone else is done eating. If they see each other they will still register themselves as the same flock, they don't realize they are separated in these instances. She can also just eat in peace if she is lower on the rung.
I don't have a lot of time for hassle, but I guess I'll figure it out. I leave for work before they get off the roost. What I have done is made the enclosure, so she can be seen by them and near them during the day. She has her own food and water there. It's down to freezing again, so she will come in tonight and go back out in the am.

It sounds like protein is key to her health and a problem for her health, so we will see what the cherry extract does. Any idea what that chicken dose is from a liquid extract? 1.23ml (1/4 tsp.) for a person.

I'll do the hydro hen or ACV in her water once a week. The others can use that too. I'll keep researching.

I'm building a new coop/run, so this will all be taken into consideration. Thank you!

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