Good quality, recent, independent information on nutrition


Still learning
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Jan 28, 2018
Gower, Wales
An authoritative, recent, and detailed guide on good nutrition, which explicitly condemns highly processed food as unhealthy, is freely available to all online. The assertions made in it are based on independent, published, academic research, and hard evidence, and references are provided, so that those who wish to check the accuracy of the statements, or read further on any given point, can.

It is up-to-date, and there are also links from that page to numerous detailed studies and summaries on different aspects of nutrition that anyone who wishes can pursue further.

This thread is a follow on to my ‘New research debunks trad views on nutrition’ thread here:

As with that thread, the focus of this new FAO work is human nutrition, but professional poultry nutritionists are catching up fast.

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