Help! Chicks Eyes Closed!


Mar 9, 2024
Hey! I am fairly new on this website but I came here for some help. We got a really new batch of chicks from Atwoods about 4 days ago and they are all healthy except for one chick. This one is a little smaller than the others and overall is acting fine but when we first got her her eyes were glued shut. (Not literally). I moistened her eyes with some warm water and got them open again and put her back, thinking she would be fine from now on. But now every morning one eye will be completely closed and the other half closed. It’s very easy to just moisten her eyes and they open up again but I’m concerned that this happens every morning. I’m thinking because she sleeps with her eyes closed there is build up and then she just can’t open them anymore? The other chicks don’t have this problem, what should I do?
You could try rinsing her eyes with saline solution and then you can maybe clear whatever it is or see if there's something in them. If you don't have saline solution, you can make some very easy.

Do you have any nutra drench or poultry cell? I'd give them vitamin water for a day and pick up some Terramycin to put in her eyes. That's an antibiotic for the eyes.

Welcome to BYC!! :frow
You could try rinsing her eyes with saline solution and then you can maybe clear whatever it is or see if there's something in them. If you don't have saline solution, you can make some very easy.

Do you have any nutra drench or poultry cell? I'd give them vitamin water for a day and pick up some Terramycin to put in her eyes. That's an antibiotic for the eyes.

Welcome to BYC!! :frow
I don’t have any of that but I’ll definitely look into it, thank you! When her eyes are open throughout the day they look completely fine it’s only in the mornings when they are closed and there might be something in them. Thank you so much!
Hey! I am fairly new on this website but I came here for some help. We got a really new batch of chicks from Atwoods about 4 days ago and they are all healthy except for one chick. This one is a little smaller than the others and overall is acting fine but when we first got her her eyes were glued shut. (Not literally). I moistened her eyes with some warm water and got them open again and put her back, thinking she would be fine from now on. But now every morning one eye will be completely closed and the other half closed. It’s very easy to just moisten her eyes and they open up again but I’m concerned that this happens every morning. I’m thinking because she sleeps with her eyes closed there is build up and then she just can’t open them anymore? The other chicks don’t have this problem, what should I do?
Try ointment like Vaseline. It will keep it softer... hopefully this is temporary. Is there extra dust in the pen area ?
You could try rinsing her eyes with saline solution and then you can maybe clear whatever it is or see if there's something in them. If you don't have saline solution, you can make some very easy.

Do you have any nutra drench or poultry cell? I'd give them vitamin water for a day and pick up some Terramycin to put in her eyes. That's an antibiotic for the eyes.

Welcome to BYC!! :frow
This is way better than my reply. Thank you!!

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