Hen with sour crop that hasn’t gone away, please help!

So sorry. Often older hens with a chronic sour crop have some sort of major organ failure such as fatty liver or kidney disease. I've lost a few of my older gals from the same thing. Though you do everything you will still lose them. Breaks my heart. Again, sorry for your loss.
Gorgeous ladies. I’m sorry for your losses.

Honestly though I think you did everything you could and more than most. 11 years old is excellent for a hen, probably at the top end of their natural lifespan in a domestic setting.

Please don’t beat yourself up. I’m sure she had a great life and if she seemed okay walking around the other day, she probably wasn’t completely suffering, and it was just her time to go.

Thank you for trying to help her. I never realized how much I’d love having chickens, they’ve got some fun personalities. I’m going to miss hearing her yelling at me for treats as soon as I’d get home from work lol ♥️
So sorry. Often older hens with a chronic sour crop have some sort of major organ failure such as fatty liver or kidney disease. I've lost a few of my older gals from the same thing. Though you do everything you will still lose them. Breaks my heart. Again, sorry for your loss.
Thank you ♥️ I know because of their age it would probably be harder for them to recover but I didn’t want to give up on them. I was wondering the same if it might possibly been organ failure, with crop issues there’s so many things that could cause it it’s a big guessing game sadly..
Thank you ♥️ I know because of their age it would probably be harder for them to recover but I didn’t want to give up on them. I was wondering the same if it might possibly been organ failure, with crop issues there’s so many things that could cause it it’s a big guessing game sadly..
The only way to get answers is to send one off for a necropsy. Sometimes you can give these old gals IV fluids, antibiotics and excellent nursing care and they will turn around for a few weeks or months but time eventually gets them.

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