I want to breed this color but have questions about the Ml gene


Jan 27, 2022
I have a question about this hen's color (picture at the end) and the Ml gene. I'm basically trying to copy this hen's color and breed for it. I figured out that it can't breed true because in order to get the color she has you would need the bird to be heterozygous for the Ml gene.

I've asked some people I concluded that her genotype would be e^b/e^b Pg/Pg cha/cha Ml/ml+. I have a cockerel that should have about the same genotype.
By that logic, I should get chicks that are Ml/ml+, ml+/ml+ and Ml/Ml (with the other genes staying the same as parents), right?

Question 1 is how would ml+/ml+ and Ml/Ml change this color? What would birds with everything else like the hen in the picture except with Ml/Ml or ml+/ml+ instead of being heterozygous for it look?
From what I've read it seems the melanotic gene extends black pigmentation, correct? So would homozygous Ml affect the penciling pattern or make them fully black or something? And then would no Ml genes make them less black? Maybe get rid of the black head? Any description of how the color may change with these genes is much appreciated!

Question 2 is if all other genes are staying the same when breeding them together, then would it be possible to have these 3 variations of the color (hetero Ml, homo Ml and no Ml) breed togeather and get consistent results kind of like how BBS pens would work? If I worked with them enough could I get all 3 variations to breed togeather nicely? Keeping them all in one pen and getting all 3 in the offspring. Would that work?

The color I'm talking about:

Question one: homozygous for Ml produces double silver laced
8+ Greenfire Farms' Silver Double Laced Barnevelders Day-Old Chicks ...

( Greenfire Farms pic yours would probably be less evenly patterned since this bird is purebred but you get the point.)
I'm not sure but the chicken calculator says that with homozygous ml+ you will get silver pencilled but darker (probably meaning a black head.)
Ml isn't causing the dark head
(idk where this photo comes from but it was the first to pop up on Bing. Yours will probably look like this but with dark heads)
Question 2 is if all other genes are staying the same when breeding them together, then would it be possible to have these 3 variations of the color (hetero Ml, homo Ml and no Ml) breed togeather and get consistent results kind of like how BBS pens would work? If I worked with them enough could I get all 3 variations to breed togeather nicely? Keeping them all in one pen and getting all 3 in the offspring. Would that work?
Yes, but if you do that you would never be able to perfect any of the colors like show breeders would but if that's not your goal it doesn't matter.
Thank you. I'll find out exactly what colors they'll be next spring year when I start a new chick season. I'm guessing I'll be getting both silver and gold variations of it because my cockerel is golden.
Yes, but if you do that you would never be able to perfect any of the colors like show breeders would but if that's not your goal it doesn't matter.
How would I be able to perfect the colors then? I get that I could just breed the homozygous ones together with the same color and improve it like that, but how would I improve the heterozygous Ml ones if it won't breed true? Or would I need to breed two of them together and only pick out the offspring that are heterozygous Ml?
but how would I improve the heterozygous Ml ones if it won't breed true? Or would I need to breed two of them together and only pick out the offspring that are heterozygous Ml?
But that is only if you want to improve the coloring
If you just like the way it already is, it doesn’t matter

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