Incubator research

Alex Franco

7 Years
6 Years
Jun 5, 2017
I currently have four incubators and I’m in the market for a new one. I will start with what I have and the reason why I want a new one.
Currently in operation:
Brinsea Zoologica 28 (2 units)
Purchased this units as they were supposed to be their top pf the line, most sophisticated and accurate units, also quite expensive. Had terrible hatch rates so I started tracking temperature and humidity(egg weighing) and found through a calibration thermometer (0.1*C/0.18*F accuracy) that I had to calibrate temperature about once a week because unit was off anywhere from 0.5 to 1*C (0.9 -1.8*F). Automatic humidity pump stoped working properly on both units so I have to add water manually and egg turning is very unreliable so I stopped auto turning and do it manually. Worst part was a few months ago that one of the units went crazy and increased temperature to 50*C (122*F) killing everything inside. Sent incubator back and got it back without the egg sterilizer function but still very inaccurate. These top of the line incubators are not living up to Brinsea literature in any way possible!!
Brinsea Ova-Easy 190
A larger incubator suits my needs better and after using this unit for a few months with terrible hatch rates I found inconsistent temperatures, enough to wreak havoc on hatching. Automatic pump doesn’t work well and water tray is not large enough to keep humidity high, even with the paper wick installed. Many times the water tray overflows. I keep a large water tray in the hatching area plus the regular one on top and do manual water fills.
I also need to calibrate temperature about every week because it’s far off.
Operation was so bad that I returned one unit and got a new one as a replacement. The new one came with a broken hinge and poorly sealed door but customer service was really good and sent replacements.
The new incubator operates a little better but still have the same issues having to calibrate on a weekly basis and have all the water and humidity problems.
Hetya 120 egg from Amazon
Purchased this one on an emergency, works well if you have to travel with eggs that have been incubated but is a cheap inaccurate unit. I have never used it again after the emergency.
Now to the new incubators I have been researching:
Rite Farm Pro 264: This looked really good, a little big but that was fine. Operation seemed fine with good temperature and humidity systems but later found out the unit is made in China and some components are not made to last, saw a review where the water tray corrodes and leaks.
Rcom MX190: This one is made in Korea and looks very similar to Brinsea. Couldn’t find too much info on accuracy or how the humidity works
Cimuka HB175 B: Made in Turkey, looks good so far, spoke with a friend that has this brand and has a 5,000 egg incubation capacity. He tells me he’s used Cimuka for 8 months without any problems and great results. Temperature and humidity keeping is extremely accurate. One thing I like is that it has a humidifier so it doesn’t depend on water area to evaporate. Don’t like the tiny door windows and having loose cables inside the machine but very likely I will buy this one.
GQF are not fully automatic, water has to be added manually inside the incubator so I didn’t like that.
This is rather informative if someone's interested in one of those above. Perhaps you could turn it into an article where you can separate each one out into a paragraph of their own, and add more down the road.

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