Landrace/adaptive breeding discussion

I was asked to do a presentation on adaptive breeding in a few weeks. Could any of you help me by providing a good picture of one of your birds, what stage you're at (grex, proto-landrace, etc.), your general location, and which breeds are included in your population? Only if you feel comfortable with it.

I don't like my photos circling too much, certainly not outside BYC (plus, I'm not sure my birds are what you're looking for?), but good luck securing some photos, and good luck on your presentation :)
For clarification, these will not be posted online or anywhere electronic. I suppose there's a possibility that someone might take pictures on their phone, but the presentation will be in person.
I had a thought. A couple times my girls went broody and snakes got into the nest. Once, the hen broke broody. The next time (different hen) she tried to protect her nest and a bunch of the eggs got trampled.

I watched her drag the crushed eggs out of the nest and eat them.

From a survival standpoint that makes sense. Get the damaged eggs out of the nest and prevent them from being discovered by predators.

I wonder if egg eating is another example of a broken broody instinct? The obsessive urge to "clean the nest" separated from actually being broody?

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