Playful chicken?


In the Brooder
Nov 29, 2023
I’ve got 5 ladies in my backyard flock. Two gold laced wyandottes and three buff brahmas. I also have a three year old that likes to be around the girls. I saw him begin to chase one of the brahmas around the yard on his bicycle and immediately told him to stop. But then to my surprise, she started gently talking to him and would follow him on his bicycle. She doesn’t seem frightened or aggressive and is my most friendly lady. She LOVES my son. I almost feel like she is playing. She has even tried to perch on his handlebars for a ride but couldn’t hold on well enough. Do chickens play like this? Or is she in defense mode? And yes my son has listened to me and has stopped chasing her around, and he is never left unattended with my girls.
Your 3 year old must be awfully well coordinated to ride a bicycle. Mine rode a tricycle for the longest time.

One of my Brahma hens is pretty smart. She knows her name and outwits the rooster. She taught the others to forage. They are also pretty patient. I think she see's your son as a friend. I would have him bring me the empty food dishes just to give him a chore. Don't have him bring out food or feed treats because they may mob him.

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