Quails, Predators, and Coops.

Forgot to say, last year I used it as a breeder to breed small groups at a time, and with 5 birds I had to move it every day to keep the grass from dying. They would go in for 2 weeks, then I collected eggs for about a week, and they went back to the main pen. So I didn’t move them in and out often. When I moved the pen, I took out the hides and bowls and water, but left the birds, I chased them into the attached bin house, and I taped the ramp up blocking the door, then I dragged it, and put the stuff back in, and let them out. I don’t think they even noticed it moved, they would literally be in there sand bathing as I dragged it.
My favorite housing for quail is the omlet modern chicken coop eglu go, completely predator proof and not up high. https://www.omlet.us/shop/chicken_keeping/ (scroll a bit to find the omlet modern chicken coop eglu go) but if you want something cheaper separate between the two spots for this rabbit hutch, https://www.amazon.com/Merax-Rabbit-Hutch-Wooden-Animals/dp/B017LTC24Y/ref=sr_1_19?crid=1ZO691S2DNLK1&dchild=1&keywords=trixie+rabbit+hutch&qid=1618268622&sprefix=Trixie+rabbit,aps,229&sr=8-19
With the eglu go, do you close up the quail at night into the coop? Or do you let them stay out in the run as well?
With the eglu go, do you close up the quail at night into the coop? Or do you let them stay out in the run as well?
I allow my quail to roam in the run all the time, as they don’t enjoy or need to go inside. it’s just a bit of a hassle to do it because they get cramped, no food and water and etc. i do love this setup though!

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