Rooster fight


Sep 23, 2023
Okay for whatever reason my silkie rooster has decided to fight all the other roos. I had them locked up a majority of the day, but there’s one i just cannot catch. In the span of an hour he got decently hurt and is now making a gurgling noise. Please tell me what i can or should do.
Your rooster is fighting the others because he wants all the girls to himself. Are the other roos just now coming to age and b/c of that are now a threat to your silkie roo?

How many girls do you have? How many roos do you have? What is their environment like - coop/run - size hiding spaces? Is there enough space/objects that allows them all room to roam/hide?

What are their ages?

What injury has your roo sustained? Pictures will help. Where is the gurgling noise coming from?

Do you have all the roos separated from the flock except the one you can't catch/the one that is hurt? Do you have the separated roos separated from each other or just from the girls?

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