ROOSTER OR HEN? How can I tell at a month of age


12 Years
We got our chickens sexed when we first got them and and now they are a month old. We wanted all laying hens but there's this's name is Boba..I think it might be a rooster. Everything is different about it. personallity, its crazy (hence the name. it means crazy in portagese) the color of it's feathers and the size. Is there anyway I can tell if it is a rooster or a hen or do I have to wait till it grows up?
I will be able to post a picture but not tonight. It will have to be tommorow. and I don't think that i can tell u what breed it is. We got a mix of a couple. It was black as a baby but now as its growing its getting brown and red feathers. It;s very bright and beautyful.

This is that I look at it I think its a hen but it is so much bigger and so different so maybe I'm wrong.

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