Scythe or Sickle


8 Years
Jun 19, 2015
Central Alabama
So this year has been busy in all the bad ways imaginable.
My husband is in month 10 of a severe illness that followed my recovery from cancer treatment (colon, surgically removed, the chemo was more of a prophylactic measure, but still, it saps you)

In the meantime, we have had a very good year weather-wise.
the grass in the backyard is now 3 feet tall, and no telling what else is growing now.
In a few spots poison ivy is trying to gain a foothold (now that actually gets sprayed. I am reactive to that!)

My lawnmower is sidelined, The riding mower needs the wheels fixed, the pushmower needs some TLC to stay cranked. Stuff I don't have the time for right now.

Enter the marvelous idea of getting a scythe to deal with the grass.
After walking a mile around the big blue H&G box store, I come to the conclusion they do not stock such things.
The orange competitor is across town, I seldom get there, as I said, time is a factor right now.

I call the small hardware store nearby.
The gent on the other end sounded confused at the question but had to give me a negative reply.
Seems such items are not carried locally anymore
What gives?

Now I am off to calculate which online offering is the better value.
The skinny looking one for $160, or the Amish built kit for $300 (that is basically two in one, with peening kit and instructions)

On the plus side, the chickens could probably free range now and be safe from the Hawk.
I am trying to avoid adding another gas engine to my fleet.
I have one somewhere, I never use it because most of those tools are not made for a 5'5" woman.

I think I will just call my tree guy
A bad storm dropped some big branches in dumb places. the guy is in his 20s and gave me a pretty good rate the last time I needed to deforest my backyard.
then I will make better plans for next year (like not getting sick)

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