Seeking input for chest pain, possibly due to farm pathogen


Feb 10, 2022
Hi, I've been having chest pain, arm numbness (peripheral paresthesia), fatigue and swelling in my hand and feet for 3-4 months. The ER could only find elevated d-dimer (blood clotting). I thought it might be Lyme so I took Durvet doxycycline for 6 weeks, and oregano oil, and generally felt better, but the symptoms returned just as strong as soon as I discontinued the antibiotics. Took a Lyme test after this and it was negative.
Fasting for 3 days also helped but again symptoms returned.
I was at the library today in Ohio, and a senior lady librarian said her grandmother died of histoplasmosis (and heart failure), which is a fungus caught from inhaling dust while cleaning chicken coops.
So I thought I'd reach out to the forum, is there any pathogen from farming that might be causing this.
I do have an appointment with a cardiologist in a couple weeks.
Thanks for any input.
We grew up beside a chicken farm that sold eggs and helped out occasionally when we were kids. My youngest brother was diagnosed with Histoplasmosis when he was 18 yrs old but they only treated the symptoms. I encourage you to continue doing your own research until your doctor confirms a diagnosis. Wishing you the best!
Thanks. Testing for that.
We grew up beside a chicken farm that sold eggs and helped out occasionally when we were kids. My youngest brother was diagnosed with Histoplasmosis when he was 18 yrs old but they only treated the symptoms. I encourage you to continue doing your own research until your doctor confirms a diagnosis. Wishing you the best!

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