Trying out names for my baby chicks šŸ˜

Apr 14, 2024
Hampton Roads, Virginia
I just got six chicks yesterday. Three BCMs & three EEs. The Marans seem to be maybe 4-7 days older than the EEs, and they're bossier than I expected them to be. I'd always read they were docile, but they Love to peck at me, particularly at my wedding band.
I'm thinking of calling them Magpie (Maggie) and Raven, because of their apparent love for all things shiny, but don't have a third name for the other Marans, yet.
The EEs are a leopard print looking girl I like to call Lola, but I'm not sure about the other two. So, one Marans, the blondish-grey chick and the black head/grey bodied chick with the smudge of yellow on her noggin are still unnamed... Any suggestions?
My son suggested Honey (mustard), Ranch & Ketchup, for the EEs, and Soy, Frank(s Red Hot), and Sriracha for the BCMs (they're a lil' salty & spicy).
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..Now I'm thinking of naming the Marans Skipper, Kowalski and Rico, (from Penguins of Madagascar), because two seem to be very intelligent and the third... not so much, but I keep catching them doing things like this. Today, one was looking like she was trying to coax one of my E.E.s up on top of the brooder with her (they're doing recon for their escape), while another charged my camera (trying to distract and block the escape plot from being recorded).
The little yellow chick is Chicken Little, because she is by far the most skittish of my flock, and the first one to freak out about anything and everything. šŸ™„


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