Recent content by Chickadee_Chick

  1. C

    Another round of Guess This Chick

    Quote from the farm is "could be any breed, any mix, any color"... so who knows! Whee!
  2. C


    That's awesome! I love Sandhills. If you ever get a chance to go to the Platte River in Nebraska for their spring migration they roost in enormous groups of tens of thousands on the river. There is only like a mile of suitable river habitat left, so they pack it in. Nothing like the sound of...
  3. C

    Another round of Guess This Chick

    Hello and thanks in advance for the help! Short version: I am curious about the breed and sex of this chick, which came with a mixed straight run set of hatching eggs from a farm in central Ohio. Long version: This little squeaker (who gives little cheeps almost constantly while other...
  4. C


    I have been lurking here for the past week trying to help out one of the chicks hatched in the elementary science classroom at my preK-12 school. Thank you to everyone who has posted about sprattle leg and hobbling with VetWrap! The dude (or dudette) is now walking just fine and can do...
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