Recent content by ChickenScratchFeathers

  1. ChickenScratchFeathers

    6 day old turkey poult walking strangely, and may have impacted crop.

    Yeah, I went ahead and cull him today. Such a hard thing to do... but it unfortunately needed to be done, I will miss this little guy a ton.
  2. ChickenScratchFeathers

    6 day old turkey poult walking strangely, and may have impacted crop.

    Wow, well good to know. I paid extra money just to make sure I got high-quality feed, sounds like that was a big waste! I have meat bird crumbles, and upon looking at the tag, it was higher in protein than the more expensive turkey starter. I went ahead and just mixed the two together and have...
  3. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Broken Turkey nail, how long will it take to heal?

    UPDATE: This turkey is doing just fine. The nail is slowly growing back, it is just a tiny nub where the original nail used to be.
  4. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Leg Problem with turkey poult

    I am also having this same issue with my 3-week-old turkey poult. He is being fed turkey starter feed, gamebird feed and vitamins in the water. He appeared somewhat normal when I got him as a hatchling, but he has down spiraled as he ages. He started looking like this, and now, a week later, he...
  5. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Advice for my little Pekin!

    wow, you can't use corid and vitamins at the same time? I was not aware of this... do the vitamins affect the effectiveness of the amp?
  6. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Advice for my little Pekin!

    Giving some vitamins and electrolytes in the water for a little bit is a safe bet to try too. I always add rooster booster or Sav-A-Chick powder in all my poultry's water if they ever act out of it.
  7. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Baby chick keeps sitting and closing eyes, will move but has little to no energy

    I am so sorry to hear you had to do that, that's the worst part of being a chicken parent. :( Ill be praying for ya!
  8. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Baby chick keeps sitting and closing eyes, will move but has little to no energy

    I might sadly have to do this. A bbw turkey poult I have is dealing with some leg issues.. His little knee joints are swollen and he is having a lot of trouble walking. He stands and walks short little distances, before stumbling over again... I don't want to see him in pain as he ages. This...
  9. ChickenScratchFeathers

    What gender is this chicken? And breed

    Thats exactly what I had originally typed! I think he is a brahma Wyandotte mix too!
  10. ChickenScratchFeathers

    What gender is this chicken? And breed

    He could be a faverolles rooster too.
  11. ChickenScratchFeathers

    What gender is this chicken? And breed

    The hackle and sattle feathers on him show he is a male! and as for breed, he looks to me like a brahma mix, with the feathers on his feet! Ill have to go through my chicken breed book to see what breed he actually is!
  12. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Baby chick keeps sitting and closing eyes, will move but has little to no energy

    And yes, sadly like what Killmak said, you can try everything, but the chick may not make it in the end... If the mother has rejected the chick, it might mean there is something wrong, and that the hen knows the chick is sick and close to death. as terrible as that sounds. But hope for the best...
  13. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Baby chick keeps sitting and closing eyes, will move but has little to no energy

    Oh no, alright.. sometimes first time mothers accidentally crush their babies, which can cause their legs to kind of look like that.. If the mother is not paying attention to the chick, then you need to set up a heatlamp, and have the temp between 90-95 degrees F. Well shoot, Im not sure what...
  14. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Baby chick keeps sitting and closing eyes, will move but has little to no energy

    And also, don't worry if they seem very sleepy. It's completely normal for baby chicks to nap a lot during the first week of their lives! You'll see them just doze off for a few seconds, and then wake up chirping again. But something does seems off here. I would give the electrolytes and...
  15. ChickenScratchFeathers

    Baby chick keeps sitting and closing eyes, will move but has little to no energy

    Aww, poor little baby. With her legs looking like that, I would separate the chick from the mother for a little bit, and start giving her an electrolyte and vitamin water solution. You can make your own electrolyte solution using recipes online, or you can buy a 10buck powder at tractor supply...
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