Recent content by coach723

  1. coach723

    Is E. coli opportunistic in chickens?

    I no longer try to drain my birds. If it's fluid, then it will usually recur, so a temporary fix at best. And some risks involved. Many do it successfully however. If it's not fluid then it won't drain. When I know it's fluid I have had some birds respond to the detox, it just really...
  2. coach723

    Having Trouble Cutting off Red John's Broken Toe

    Probably won't grow a nail, it will just be a stump. If the younger roo (ages?) is maturing, he may be trying to challenge and usurp the older one, and become the alpha. It happens. You may need to separate them. Sometimes those fights can result in serious injuries, or death. Some roo's...
  3. coach723

    HELP!! Sicks chickens

    What are you feeding? Were these all purchased chicks, or hatched at home? Vitamin deficiencies can start inside the egg, passed from the parent stock sometimes. A B complex or super B complex is better than just giving B1, thiamine and riboflavin in particular can be contributors. I don't...
  4. coach723

    Chicen attacked by predator

    Just make sure not to wrap too tight, and check often for swelling, you don't want to cut circulation off. Swelling can happen for a while after. Also, if you splint, make sure everything is well padded so that there is no rubbing or irritation. I also don't splint unless I'm sure it's...
  5. coach723

    Chicen attacked by predator

    I will attach a splinting manual, it explains how to examine for a fracture, and how to splint if necessary. Without xrays, or being able to feel it myself, it's hard to say if there is a fracture, or if it's just sprained or strained and swollen and sore. You can use a sling for periods, to...
  6. coach723

    Chicen attacked by predator

    It would be much easier to give you information if we could see any wounds, and have some idea of injuries and what happened. Most dosing is done by body weight rather than age. We have all seen many horrific injuries, there is no judgement here, just efforts to help.
  7. coach723

    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    I'm so sorry about your ducks. I had a huge rat problem several years ago, a neighbor gifted them to us by finally, after years of absolute neglect, cleaning up his property. So they found us and our coop. :he We tried just about everything on the planet to rid ourselves of them. They are...
  8. coach723

    Pox or pus scab?

    My first thought was also tumor. :hugs
  9. coach723

    Is this a prolapsed vent? How to treat?

    How is your hen today? I don't see a prolapse in the photo. Do you know when she last laid?
  10. coach723

    Chicken hock or hip problem?

    A video might help. Sprains and strains are not uncommon, she could have landed wonky jumping down, etc. Sometimes it's just time that's needed. If she's getting around ok, eating and drinking, droppings look normal, no one is picking on her, then I would just keep an eye on her.
  11. coach723

    Eye issue

    It could be pox, but it looks more like pecking injuries to me. Bubbles in the eye can mean a respiratory illness, like MG. I also see what looks like a small spot near the eye, so could be from that also. What eyedrops are you using? Terramycin eye ointment would be good if you can get...
  12. coach723

    HELP!! Sicks chickens

    If you post video's to another host, like youtube, and put the link here, they can be seen. Are they eating, drinking? What do droppings look like? Are all of them housed together? Do you also have adult birds, or just the babies and the 13 week olds? Pictures would be helpful.
  13. coach723


    What have you done treatment wise? Is she eating, drinking, what do droppings look like? First thing I would do is get her on a good super B complex tablet or capsule, human ones, any brand, once a day every day. Just put it in her beak and push it back, she'll swallow it. Hock sitting and...
  14. coach723

    Wet upper eyelid baby chick

    Do some observing, see if you can see it happening with them getting water. What kind of waterer are you using? With no other symptoms, hard to say. If anything else develops, different story.
  15. coach723

    A hole in the back of chicken neck

    If it's leaking fluids and food, then the crop is also punctured. To correctly repair this requires two repairs, the crop itself and the skin over the crop, so two repairs so that you don't adhere the crop to the skin. If you only fix the skin, then the crop will still leak under it and cause...
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