Recent content by FarmerVal

  1. FarmerVal

    Wheaten/ Blue Wheaten Ameraucana genders

    That's what I'm thinking too... Any other guesses? Or should I wait a couple more weeks?
  2. FarmerVal

    Wheaten/ Blue Wheaten Ameraucana genders

    I'm thinking they are boys. Am I wrong?
  3. FarmerVal

    Wheaten/ Blue Wheaten Ameraucana genders

    I hatched out 4 wheaten/ blue wheaten ameraucanas on April 4th. Any ideas on the genders? I'm thinking all boys and one girl... Chick 1 Chick 2 Chick 3 Chick 4
  4. FarmerVal

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Hi ya'll I posted on here a couple of weeks ago now about my "white wheaten". I just got some more photos of her today (though none are really good). I'm thinking maybe it's not a "white wheaten" and instead a very pale wheaten and possibly even female... Also, I think my little guys...
  5. FarmerVal

    My broody hatched some Easter chicks for us! EE/ Silkie crosses

    Quote: They sure are! We've hatched quite a few chicks these past few months in our incubator and they are still so excited and amazed each time! Makes for some really cute pictures too
  6. FarmerVal

    My broody hatched some Easter chicks for us! EE/ Silkie crosses

    My white silkie broody just hatched some Easter chicks for us! The chicks weren't her own, but were from our Easter Eggers and black Silkie rooster. At first I was afraid of how goofy these chicks might look, but so far they are adorable and closely remsemble EE chicks with furry feet. My...
  7. FarmerVal

    Burp cloths

    I'm expecting and it seems that everyone in my family is too, so I've just finished up a few of these for myself and others. I like buying prefold cloth diapers and embellishing the middle panel with a knit or flannel fabric. YOu can really embellish with any kind of fabric, I just find those...
  8. FarmerVal

    First broody silkies and LOTS of questions

    My silkie just went broody a few days ago too. This is my first broody. I should have written down the exact date. She's sitting on some EE/ Black Silkie eggs. I'm sure these chicks will be very interesting if all goes well and they hatch. She keeps stealing all the eggs my EEs are laying, it's...
  9. FarmerVal

    anyone decorating eggs?

    Quote: Ahh, needle felting. Another crafty venture I'd love to make one day, once I find the time I have WAY too many hobbies
  10. FarmerVal

    anyone decorating eggs?

    Sounds like a fun project! I think I just may have to try it out... So after all the contents are out, you just decoupage? How many coats?
  11. FarmerVal

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Quote: How much would you be willing to pay for one ? Sorry, just kidding...... I thought it was funny that I was posting away about how lovely the egg color is out of these girls (and hopefully out of Norm's daughters, I shall find out soon) and when I finished posting I found your's...
  12. FarmerVal

    anyone decorating eggs?

    This may be a silly question, but do you drill a tiny hole in the egg to get rid of the inside before decoupaging? Two of my EEs lay two different beautiful shades of blue/green.
  13. FarmerVal

    VC Andrews books

    I went through an obsessive stage with V.C. Andrews. I stopped my collection probably about 6-7 years ago but had just about every book published to date of hers and the ghost writer. I do have to say that I did start to lose some interest as some of the stories were becoming too predictable...
  14. FarmerVal

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    It figures my first shot at Wheaten Ameraucanas I would get something crazy like this! And this chick was the only out of the batch to hatch. Here is that same chick at a week or so old.... So this chick would not be good to keep and breed with other Wheatens, correct? If it ends up to be...
  15. FarmerVal

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Quote: FarmerVal, are you sure this chick is a Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana? I have never hatched one that has been that lightly colored, it's almost white! Not even my Splash Wheaten juvie chicks are that pale. My chicks by that age have always been a creamy light brown color if they are...
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