Recent content by Happy Novogens

  1. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    Glad to hear from you! Sounds like you've indeed had your hands full. We also had to put one of our dogs down this past year. Our remaining dog (Newfoundland/lab mix) is about 12ish, so we know that day is coming for him as well. Serene is a nice name. She will be well-cared for. This heat...
  2. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    Has anyone heard from @BlueBaby lately? She's usually so very active on this forum and with her Bielefelders. I'm just hoping she's ok.
  3. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    The wading pool seems to be the most beneficial for ours. I have one girl in the broody breaker crate so I've been filling a low corner with water from the hose so she can cool down too (in her mudpool, lol). I caught one of them sunning herself earlier. :idunno
  4. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    Well I'll be.... I decided to go out and check on the flock after posting above. Lo and behold, what did I find but an egg laid in the wading pool!! :lau
  5. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    Hope everyone's chickens are faring well in this heat. My outdoor thermometer (in the shade) is reading 114 right now! We have misters going, ice bottles in their water buckets, and a shaded wading pool.
  6. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    We ordered these off Amazon 2 years ago. They're still working. Occasionally I'll use my fingernail to scrape the front if one isn't misting well. Haven't had to use vinegar yet but that is my backup plan. I also ordered a timer for it...
  7. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    Let's play "spot the cat." ;)
  8. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    Wish I could help you out but I already have a roo for my small flock.
  9. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    Try putting some blocks/bricks in there for them to stand on. They like to have that in there. Mine won't go in without them. Photos from last summer. I don't do anything until it gets much hotter. I figure if they cannot tolerate 95F without misters and pools then they won't be able to handle...
  10. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    We also have some oleander in our yard. The chickens ignore them.
  11. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    That's basically what I have. If you have the tarp attached to the frame, wind could catch and carry away the entire structure. That's why I don't attach our tarp directly to the hoop. It lays on top of it but the tarp is tied down to stakes in the ground. If the tarp catches the wind (and even...
  12. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    We had thunderstorms here last night. Puddles on the ground right now. We get downbursts fairly frequently and it is a constant consideration whenever we put up any structure. If you get winds like us, rebar may not cut it. We put up a steel shade structure (from Costco) for our vehicle. We...
  13. Happy Novogens

    Growing wheatgrass fodder indoors -- sharing my method

    Good to know. Apparently Azure used to sell it for around $25 but had a big price jump in July. If my other source runs out, this could be a back up option.
  14. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    Let us know how it goes!
  15. Happy Novogens

    Arizona Chickens

    The bee problem seems to be resolved! It was the new feed type I had been using. After hosing out the bucket, I put more feed in and the bees came right back. Then I hosed out the bucket again and instead put their prior food in it. The bees were no longer interested. I did see some bees near...
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