Recent content by MMerriman3

  1. M

    Eggs are white but used to be brown

    I have a cage for them too, but we have had non stop rain lately with possibilities of tornadoes. Where Im able to keep it, they would get also get wet. And id rather them be in their coop during the 80mph winds. I'm waiting for next week when it's expected to be dryer. Or take them on a car...
  2. M

    Eggs are white but used to be brown

    She's a year and a half. This is her 2nd spring/summer laying. I'm certain she's broody. She was in the nesting box the past 2 days. Her feathers ruffle up and she has burrs when I checked up on her. She went broody last year too and I have another broody one I'm dealing with. They are all...
  3. M

    Eggs are white but used to be brown

    Hello, I've got a buff orpington that went broody. The past 2 days she has had a tiny off white egg underneath her. The shell is hard. She usually lays medium to large light brown eggs. I know broody hens can lay smaller eggs while their hormones are changing but Is the color change because...
  4. M

    Dirty feathers and lice treatment

    Elector psp. I spent a lot of time on each bird treating them from top to bottom. She was the worst. I didn't see them on 3 of my other hens, but they still got treatment.
  5. M

    Dirty feathers and lice treatment

    Hello, I treated my chickens for lice about 4 weeks ago. I used the strong 1 time treatment stuff. Nothing is crawling on them, some of the eggs are still attached to the feathers, but i check thoroughly and no mites are crawling around on any of my hens. Do those feathers that are covered in...
  6. M

    Silkie pullets

    Do they have a secure website? The website I see pulling up is not.
  7. M

    Silkie pullets

    Sorry, I meant to say started pullet. I want an 8 week old at least, not a chick.
  8. M

    Silkie pullets

    What place have you had good experience ordering silkie pullets? I need a pullet. Dna tested even. I can only have 1 more. I'm tired of falling in love with chicks that wind up roosters :'( I've given away 50% of my backyard chicken crew so far. And all my favorites have been roos x( sometimes I...
  9. M

    Polish and olive egger

    I'm going to hate to give him up. He's my sweetest chicken by far. 😭
  10. M

    Wild Birds Keeping Hawks Away?

    I have a lineage of Bluejays that lay eggs every year in my backyard tree. There are also mockingbirds and crows in the creek behind me. I think they definitely scare off hawks. I haven't come across a hawk. But my chickens also stay in a run with a roof on it because I do get bobcats and raccoons.
  11. M

    Help!! Mosquitoes in Coop (Texas)

    If you want to try a more natural way, planting Salvia and Rosemary can help deter them. They have a strong scent, and helped my front yard the previous home I owned. They're great plants for texas, and Salvia is a perinneal so when you cut it back in the late fall it comes back in spring time...
  12. M

    Polish and olive egger

    So my polish is looking like a roo to me... but acts like a pullet. Curtsey comes up to me, let's me pet, and doesn't mind being held. But those tail feathers and top hat got me taking a double glance. Are roos lovable? I have bad luck getting roos among sexed chicks and the ones I have raised...
  13. M

    Long odd egg

    No. This is a one off. Her eggs are normally perfect. She went broody and after breaking her of that this happened.
  14. M

    Long odd egg

    I forgot to mention she's been laying for about a month now. So she's still new. I was shocked to see her broody so young. So it makes sense then. Broody and young = odd egg possibilities.
  15. M

    Lav Orp or Australorp - who laid it? 🔍🥚

    My buff orpingtons eggs look like the lighter one in the picture. My lavender is too young to lay still and probably won't lay until next spring.
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