Recent content by My15Ducks

  1. My15Ducks

    Please, show me your ducks

    Banana is beautiful! My lilac buff drake is also named Banana!
  2. My15Ducks

    Ducklings won't stop crying!

    They will get used to sleeping alone. I know it’s sad to hear them cry but since they can’t safely sleep on the bed I think it’s the only option for them to learn to sleep alone. It’s adorable how attached to your daughter they are🥰
  3. My15Ducks

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

  4. My15Ducks

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

    I lightly moistened it which made it easier to crumble and they seem happier now
  5. My15Ducks

    What kind of ducks did I get?

    I’m also going to guess Khaki Campbell and less than a week old. Maybe 4 days?
  6. My15Ducks

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

    I’ve tried and so far I haven’t been able to get it to crumble much. I suppose I could throw it in the food processor.
  7. My15Ducks

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

    I have 20 unhappy ducklings because the feedstore accidentally gave me pellets instead of crumbles and I didn’t notice until I got home. So far they’ll only eat it if I wet it and hand feed it to them… I hope they figure it out
  8. My15Ducks

    What breed of duck will go broody the most?

    How are your eggs doing? Could you post some photos?
  9. My15Ducks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    I’m rooting for your baby! I think the fact that was able to pip shows it has some strength. All but one of my ducklings who were able to externally pip survived.
  10. My15Ducks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    They can take 48 hours to start zipping from the time they pip.
  11. My15Ducks

    Duckling not growing

    You could give your duckling some hard boiled or scrambled egg for extra calories. That really helped my tiny duckling
  12. My15Ducks

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

    More cute duckling pictures. I’m somewhat exhausted by these guys😂
  13. My15Ducks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    Yay!!! Looks great
  14. My15Ducks

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

    I think this might be their last night in the kiddie pool. They spent the day outside but I still think it’s too cold outside even with the heat plate. Tomorrow I’ll set up the dog crate inside and put half in there, half in the kiddie pool
  15. My15Ducks

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

    I see your ducklings like sticking their faces in the camera too😂
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