Recent content by Naisha

  1. Naisha

    New duck owner!!

    Woooo awesome ideas!! Thank you guys!! Even though we'll dig a hole, it won't be totally flat to the ground, they'll have to climb a bit to get to the water, because I swear this soil is sooooo hard hahah! Ayyy and we also love de idea of giving them one of those small pools like the blue one...
  2. Naisha

    New duck owner!!

    I agree, one has to think about managing the water well, because ducks are pigs with feathers xDD Where I live, we use water from the "fields community" (I have no idea how to translate that), which is used to water the crops and it has nothing to do with normal water system in the cities/towns...
  3. Naisha

    New duck owner!!

    Yayyy! So, after some time having chickens, now I also own ducks!! 1 male mallard , 2 female mallards and 1 female Muscovy. I have so many questions, and all the threads I'm reading are being so useful! We got one of those preformed ponds for them, but the soil is so ffffckin compact that it's...
  4. Naisha

    Weird egg with a hole?

    Ooh I'm glad to read I'm not the only one. Do you know if it means she has some deficiency? Or is it just what it is?
  5. Naisha

    Weird egg with a hole?

    Thank you guys for the answers! The #17 of that site really looks like one egg I got from her! Hmmm she also had some problems of soft shell some time ago, and lately I've seen some eggs with a hole. I'm not sure if the hole was near the excess shell the other times. She lays maybe one egg a...
  6. Naisha

    Weird egg with a hole?

    Hello! I have this old chicken that sometimes lays eggs like this. There's a hole and I don't know if she pecked on it or it's something that happens to some chickens. And also, around the hole there's deformed shell, if you touch it, it's hard. The hole isn't all the way to the middle, there's...
  7. Naisha

    Greetings from Spain!

    Wooo! I'm from south Catalunya, so sometimes my partner and I go to Vinaros, that's Valencian community already! Yess I have my chickens and I'm very happy with them, I'm not as active here these days but this forum is so great!! I hope your chickens also bring you happiness :D Nice to meet you!
  8. Naisha

    do chickens talk back ?

    Hahaha I do that too!! I usually say "I know, I knoooww, but those eggs don't have chicks!" XD
  9. Naisha

    What the deal with all the bantam?

    Hahaha mine are the dumbest birds xD compared to the big ones I have, the bantams are always aww so cute! Dumb as a rock, but she doesn't need to be smart when she's so cute! I personally like the tiny eggs a lot. Sometimes one normal sized omelette or a fried egg is like too much and I want a...
  10. Naisha

    water spill in coop

    I have several kind of waterers and I know my girls use some of them to make a mess and play, and others only to drink because it’s not so easy for them to scratch and make a mess. I also have food and water inside the coop just in case they want to be there, and I use one of the waterers that...
  11. Naisha

    Can a chicken be a good companion for a duck?

    I like to compare ducks and chickens with humans and gorillas. From an alien’s point of view we’re not that different, but if you try to have a gorilla as your only companion.. well, it’s not ideal ^^’
  12. Naisha

    I need help with deciding something

    I’d have at least two silkies. Two silkies count as one big chicken after all, right? Chicken maths. I have cochin bantams with big ones and they’re just fine. I don’t know if silkies are more or less the same, so I could be wrong.
  13. Naisha

    Broken beak? The upper hard layer is not attached

    Okayy I took pictures of her. She can eat without problems and her beak looks way better.
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