Recent content by Newtoraisingchicks

  1. N

    Can I give incubator chick to a hen with chicks outside?

    Also, I have been giving scratch grains to the mama hen while nesting, do I need to remove any scratch grains so chicks can't eat it? They do have chick starter available.
  2. N

    Can I give incubator chick to a hen with chicks outside?

    Hello. I have a clutch of eggs in each of 2 incubators as well as a clutch outside under a hen. One of the incubator eggs hatched yesterday but no others have even pipped, after 30+ hours. I moved the baby into a brooder box, then I went to check my hen outside. It looks like her chicks have...
  3. N

    mold in bottom of feed bag, should I throw out the whole bag?

    This new unopened bag of layer pellets was stored upside down outside and exposed to moisture. When I turned it right side up and opened it, there was a layer of black moldy food on top. Should I trash the entire bag, or can I scoop out the mold and feed the rest to my flock?
  4. N

    5 1/2 week barnyard mix chick. Cockerel or pullet?

    This chick is 5.5 weeks old. Dad is a barnyard mix, Mom is either a black australorp, Easter egger, or white orpington. Not sure which hen laid the egg. Do you think it's a pullet or cockerel?
  5. N

    6 week old Americauna chick pullet or cockerel?

    I bought this chick in a group of 8 from Rural King. They were all supposed to be female but this one has a much more prominent comb than the others and is starting to develop some reddish wattles as well. The others don't really have much of anything by way of a comb, even the two who are...
  6. N

    Integrating baby chicks of varying ages

    Thanks for the advice! All the chicks are together now, ages 2 weeks to 5 weeks. The youngest chick sadly passed away at 1 week 4 days of age, and I put all the rest together at that time. They are all doing just fine together. I'm planning to place their coop inside the larger coop outside...
  7. N

    Integrating baby chicks of varying ages

    Thanks for the advice! I think I will put the oldest 3 chicks from the younger brooder in the new coop with all the older chicks, and keep the youngest 3 back to keep the baby with the foot issues company. I'll watch everyone closely and see how that goes! I appreciate your input.
  8. N

    Integrating baby chicks of varying ages

    Hello. I am currently raising 15 chicks ranging from 3 days old to 4 weeks old. I have 8 of them, ages 3-4 weeks together in a brooder box. In another brooder box, I have 6 chicks who range from 1-3 weeks old. They are all a couple of days apart, from a staggered hatch. My youngest is just...
  9. N

    Help! Should I separate baby chicks from mother hen?

    Thank you for this advice. I really appreciate it. I am keeping Mr. Chicken (My daughter named her in a pair with another chick who didn't make it, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken) and Bebony separate from the other chicks. I moved the 12 hour old 3rd chick to the brooder box with Pip today, but...
  10. N

    Help! Should I separate baby chicks from mother hen?

    This is my first time hatching chicks. A few weeks ago our White Orpington went broody and started collecting eggs. As other hens layed over the following weeks, my kids put all the eggs under her. We weren't really sure what would happen or how to go about it. We weren't really keeping...
  11. N

    Hi I a new here and need some advice on hatching chicks.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We purchased 8 chicks from Rural King 11 months ago. Added a rooster about 5 months ago and we are currently hatching our first set of chicks. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Sadly we have lost a couple of our hens...
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