Recent content by nuthatched

  1. nuthatched

    What breed roo is he?

    Where'd you get him?
  2. nuthatched

    Am I a cockerel?

    All 3 birds are cockerels.
  3. nuthatched

    Pullets or Cockerels

    Too early to say yet
  4. nuthatched

    Any hope? Eggs moved

    Hens turn the eggs, get up and refresh themselves, etc. They'll likely be fine.
  5. nuthatched

    Chronic Wry Neck?

    There is but the levels from normal chicken vitamins should be fine.
  6. nuthatched

    Have a Question about chicken

    How are you deciding she's overweight? What's her diet? Have you ever wormed your birds? Does she lay?
  7. nuthatched

    Chronic Wry Neck?

    It's would be a but more to a lot more raised than the others. I'd try a vitamin supplement in their feed or water.
  8. nuthatched

    Chronic Wry Neck?

    What's her diet? Can you tell if she has a vaulted skull?
  9. nuthatched

    Broken foot

    Can you get a picture?
  10. nuthatched

    My beautiful Brahma pullets? 3 months old I am hoping that these are

    Press attach files to add pictures.
  11. nuthatched

    New to raising chicks

    They can go out to the coop anytime, mine are out by a week. Just give them their heat plate at night.
  12. nuthatched

    Lash egg

    Not contagious, it's genetic predisposition often compounded by age and diet.
  13. nuthatched

    Partridge Cochin hen or rooster?

    Not a pullet, and not a marans. Looks like a buttercup.
  14. nuthatched

    Unwell Black Copper Maran

    Give the sick one back or cull and burn/bury. All new birds should be quarantined for atleast a month before introduction, just to be safe.
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